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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Manasa Mohan

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor

Manasa is a senior and the Executive Editorial Page Editor for The Sidekick. You can most likely find her watching a movie, hanging out with friends, watching yet another sitcom comedy TV show, or crafting another Spotify playlist. You can contact her at or on Twitter at @Manasa_Mohan_7

All content by Manasa Mohan
For most students, high school is a time of personal growth as they step into their identity. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan reflects on how her time on the staff has led to her finding and becoming confident with her voice.

Senior column: Empowered by expression

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 19, 2023
Freshman Spryidoula Angeli advanced to state and won a state medal for her work “Too Many Goldfish?” in the 2023 Visual Arts Scholastic Event. VASE is a competition held every year in Texas to recognize distinguished artists across regions.

Spryidoula Angeli

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 19, 2023
Freshman Shruti Pritmani advanced to state and won a state medal for her work “Putting On A Mask” in the 2023 Visual Arts Scholastic Event. VASE is a competition held every year in Texas to recognize distinguished artists across regions.

Shruti Pritmani

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 19, 2023
Coppell High School senior Emily Chang is the Senior Class president and is an active member in HOSA. CHS students voted on the 19 most influential seniors in the graduating class of 2023.

Emily Chang: Charismatic

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 19, 2023
Coppell High School senior Mihira Kada is the choir president and Vivace dance captain. CHS students voted on the 19 most influential seniors in the graduating class of 2023.

Mihira Kada: Exuberant

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 19, 2023
Dupe culture has risen in popularity in recent years. The Sidekick’s executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan thinks that dupe culture has created pressure to keep up with the newest trends and the accessibility of dupes has created a toxic culture possibly leading to an endless cycle of waste.

Faux pas to faux chic

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 18, 2023
Aliya Zakir

Aliya Zakir

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 18, 2023
Coppell High School junior Elise Howe is a member of the CHS Cowboy Theatre Company and Coppell Debate.  Whether it be through arguments or scripts such as “The Importance of Being Earnest,” Howe uses words to guide her through her co-curricular activities.

Howe employing words as a double-edged sword

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
May 10, 2023
Pop star Taylor Swift came to the Arlington AT&T Stadium as a part of her Eras tour for three nights. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan reflects on her experience of attending the concert.

Swift sparkling in Broadway-style concert

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
April 6, 2023
March being Women’s History month is a time to celebrate the influential women and the impact they have had in our lives.The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan expresses her gratitude to her older sister, Namratha Mohan, for making her who she is today. Photos courtesy of Manasa Mohan

The woman who made me: Two are better than one

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
March 28, 2023
Over the last century, artificial intelligence has grown from simply being a topic in fiction storytelling to a rapidly expanding field that impacts many aspects of one’s life. Due to advancements in AI, including the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022, there have been debates about its impact being positive or negative with regards to education, the workplace and more.

Decrypting the future

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
February 14, 2023
Disney movies such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Tangled” and “Aladdin” present toxic relationships to the audience as ideal. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan thinks Disney has created bad role models for young children by focusing on conforming to society’s standards.

The fairytale ending is not what we thought it was

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
February 10, 2023
For seniors, tuition is a large factor to consider when applying and committing to college. Student loans, scholarships and grants are all feasible ways students can pay for college.

Breaking down college tuition

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
January 20, 2023
The Sidekick Crossword: Dec. 12

The Sidekick Crossword: Dec. 12

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
December 12, 2022
Advocating for climate change legislation has been of relevance in recent years. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan thinks that though performative stunts do bring awareness, they catch the attention of social media more often than organizations that lobby for specific change.

Climate change protesting has gone too far

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
December 12, 2022
With academic and social events, it  can be hard to get all of the dates in order. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan expresses her gratitude to her Google calendar for its usefulness.

Giving Thanks: Months at a glance

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
November 23, 2022
In the age of technology, many have the belief that the younger generation is overly dependent on it. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan proposes the viewpoint of societal technological comfort instead.

We aren’t addicted, we’re just comfortable

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
October 14, 2022
Halloween is most recognizable for the fun costumes people wear to celebrate it; however, it is important to recognize that some outfits are not costumes and should not be worn as such. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan thinks people should consider the negative effects their Halloween costumes might have on specific groups of people.

Drawing the line between costumes and cultural appropriation

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
October 3, 2022
Coppell High School sophomore Shreya Sivakumar picks up a plate of pasta during C lunch on Friday in the cafeteria. Since 2020, all elementary students were eligible for reduced-price or free meals but due to a change in the U.S. Congress budget, students now need to file an application to receive reduced-price or free meals.

Elementary students no longer receiving free lunches

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor
September 9, 2022
Many students who first enter high school hear the phrase, “high school flies by.” The Sidekick advertising/circulation manager Manasa Mohan agrees with this sentiment and describes her high school experience.

Where did all the time go?

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
May 12, 2022
Coppell High School Color Guard concludes its performance of “Toy Factory” at the CHS Arena on April 3. CHS Color Guard won third place at the North Texas Colorguard Association (NTCA) state competition.

Color guard flying to new heights at NTCA

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
May 12, 2022
Anxiety disorders are often generalized simply as stress, when the two are actually very different from each other. The Sidekick advertising/communications manager Manasa Mohan explains why people shouldn’t lean into the stigma surrounding mental health disorders and how harmful it can be to those with them.

Please don’t tell me to calm down

Manasa Mohan, Advertising/Circulation Manager
April 22, 2022
CHS9 student council vice president Rhea Choudhary uses her role to foster the inclusive community established by the school. Throughout this school year, Choudhary has worked to create a positive environment and help members interact with the community more often.

CHS9 Student Council Vice President: Rhea Choudhary

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
April 15, 2022
CHS9 biology teacher Brittany Medford lectures her third period class on March 3 about the relationship between structure and function, which is a topic in the body systems unit. Medford started teaching at CHS9 at the beginning of this school year and graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2016.

Medford teaching from young age

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
March 11, 2022
Coppell councilmember John Jun discusses the repeal of the code of conduct with city attorney Robert E. Hager during the city council meeting on Tuesday. In addition to approving the repeal, the council approved of a curfew hours for minors ordinance for another three years.

Curfew hours, repeal of code of conduct approved by council

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
February 23, 2022
Coppell senior Meher Saini, sophomore Roma Jani, and seniors Joseph Matthew, Meghna Gopinath, Sumita Bhattacharya and Katie Arrington stand together as those selected to be All-State musicians and as alternates. Jani, Matthew, Gopinath and Bhattacharya and junior Anagha Dharmavaram will be going to San Antonio for the TMEA All-State convention on Feb. 9 (not pictured: Anagha Dharmavaram).

14 CHS students named as TMEA All-State musicians

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
February 1, 2022
Class ranks for Coppell High School’s class of 2023 will be released soon. The Sidekick advertising/circulation manager Manasa Mohan thinks students should stop letting class ranks determine their self-worth.

Class ranks are just another number

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
January 25, 2022
Coppell High School seniors Purvi Dhasmana and Tanmayi Akasapu enjoy a picnic at Andy Brown Park East on Nov. 24. The Sidekick advertising and circulation manager Manasa Mohan thinks family is more than just a blood-related bond between people.

Blood-related family is only part of the story

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
December 6, 2021
The Coppell ISD All-City Band performed on Thursday in the CHS Auditorium. The band played four pieces, “Fiesta Espanola”, “Morning Mist”, “Caverns of Sonora” and “A Builder’s Dream” and was led by conductor William Owens.

All-city band concert preparing students for high school program

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
November 19, 2021
Coppell High School junior Siya Sangani designs social media posts on Canva for DiLucci CPA Firm. Sangani makes Instagram, Twitter and Facebook posts and has been an intern for DiLucci CPA Firm since May.

Sangani weaving passion for art, business together in internship

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
October 27, 2021
The Cowboy Theatre Company performs their production of “Trap” by Stephen Gregg during the dress rehearsal in the Coppell High School Black Box Theatre on Tuesday. “Trap” opens on Friday at 7 p.m.

Theater dabbling in new genre with “Trap”

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
October 21, 2021
New Coppell High School assistant principal Brian Hussey transferred from New Tech High @ Coppell, where he taught American studies and AP Seminar. Prior to that, he worked in Philadelphia at the National Constitution Center and the Multicultural Academy Charter School and Science Leadership Academy at Beeber.

Hussey honoring students’ stories as new assistant principal

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
September 15, 2021
Coppell ISD Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt announces raffle ticket winners at the Lariettes Spaghetti Dinner in the CHS Commons on Friday. The Lariettes Spaghetti Dinner is an annual tradition that features a catered meal, baked goods and a raffle for various prizes.

Lariettes bond with community at spaghetti dinner

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
September 5, 2021
The Coppell High School Lariettes perform at the football game against Sachse High School at Homer B. Johnson Stadium on Friday night. After being replaced with an online raffle and auction last year because of COVID-19, the 31st annual Lariettes Spaghetti Dinner will be held in the CHS Commons tomorrow.

Lariettes back for 31st annual spaghetti dinner

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
September 2, 2021
Gia Oswal is the CHS9 Student Council secretary for the 2020-21 school year.

Gia Oswal

Manasa Mohan, Staff Writer
April 2, 2021
Got You Covered is a Sidekick series detailing five events happening at Coppell High School the following week. It will be posted every Monday for the rest of the 2020-21 school year.

Got You Covered: 3/8-3/14

Manasa Mohan, Staff Writer
March 8, 2021
Coppell High School junior Rudra keeps tabs on volunteer hours and works on creating projects for the CHS EcoClub as secretary. The Eco Club’s goal is to bring together a community focused on helping the environment throughout Coppell.

Rudra Krishnamurthy

Manasa Mohan, Staff Writer
March 4, 2021
Abhinav Yarlagadda

Abhinav Yarlagadda

Manasa Mohan, Staff Writer
March 4, 2021
Coppell High School sophomore Roma Patel leads the gardening committee for the CHS EcoClub through her position as vice president. The Eco Club’s goal is to bring together a community focused on helping the environment throughout Coppell.

Roma Patel

Manasa Mohan, Staff Writer
March 4, 2021
Coppell High School junior Adarsh Pulasseri helps the CHS EcoClub meetings run smoothly with  his position as president. The Eco Club’s goal is to bring together a community focused on helping the environment throughout Coppell.

Adarsh Pulasseri

Manasa Mohan, Staff Writer
March 4, 2021
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