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  • Coppell High School hosts a pep rally on Friday at 10:30 a.m. in the CHS Arena.
  • St. Ann Catholic Parish hosts the annual St. Ann Carnival from Friday to Sunday.
  • The Cozby Library and Community Commons hosts game night on Wednesday from 6-8 p.m.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Facing the unfamiliar can seem intimidating, but exploring the unknown can lead to positive outcomes. The Sidekick staff writer Katie Park shares her experience in joining The Sidekick and HOSA and how the programs provided new opportunities and interests.

Column: Facing the unfamiliar

Katie Park, Staff Writer September 5, 2024

As I walk into a classroom, panic arises in my chest as I see a colossal amount of unfamiliar people.  I immediately regret my decision of trying something new despite being immersed in a new environment...

Coming back from summer break, productivity can be a struggle for students. Lifestyle and wellness editor Ishana Sharma thinks taking steps to build a schedule can help busy teens to find success.

Make the most of your time

Ishana Sharma, Lifestyle/Wellness Editor August 28, 2024

After two months of sleeping until noon and snacking at odd times of the day, the time to get back into the school routine is here. For many, this means balancing several activities at once, including...

It is not uncommon for people to refer to perfectionism as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. What people don’t realize is the fact that OCD is not necessarily perfectionism, but a much more complex disorder. The Sidekick editorial page editor Aliza Abidi explains how these terms are rather far from being synonyms. Sohalia Reddy.

OCD isn’t a pretty title for perfectionism

Aliza Abidi, Editorial Page Editor November 6, 2023

He put ketchup on his burger.  He did it slowly and carefully, stopping every few seconds to ensure that the lines were straight. I watch him out of curiosity along with the rest of the lunch table,...

The strong inclination society has to perfectionism enables unhealthy habits and mindsets in people, according to staff writer Ishana Sharma. This especially affects high school students who go through many lengths to get as close to “perfect” as possible. Sohalia Reddy

Perfectionism hinders progress

Ishana Sharma, Staff Writer October 12, 2023

Of course you would get a 97, you’re such a perfectionist. Your room is so clean. You’re obviously a perfectionist. All I can do is respond with a chuckle and shake my head, acting humble and pretending...

A lot of high school students deal with overthinking and it is more widespread than you may think. The Sidekick staff writer Nyah Rama shares her personal experience with overthinking and offers potential ways to overcome the obstacles that come with it.

Inside the mind of an overthinker

Nyah Rama, Staff Writer April 13, 2023

All my life I’ve felt like a duck; on the surface I'm calm and everything looks fine, but under the pitch black water, I'm treading as fast as I can to stay afloat. I’ve been a massive overthinker...

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