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  • CHS hosts Heritage Night in the Commons at 6 p.m. on Friday.
  • Coppell City Council meets at Town Center at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Varshitha Korrapolu

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager

Varshitha is a senior and the Communications Manager for The Sidekick. In her free time, she is up for a rigorous taekwondo workout, a relaxing bike ride, or a classic dessert. She has a fond appreciation for writing and enjoys reading articles about science and medicine. If you have any questions, feel free to contact her through email (

All content by Varshitha Korrapolu
Coppell High School senior Chandana Sirigireddy is ranked No. 8 in the graduating class of 2022. Sirigireddy will attend the University of Texas at Austin in the fall and is majoring in finance.

Chandana Sirigireddy

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager
May 11, 2022
Coppell High School senior Lily Arancheril committed to Nova Southeastern University’s seven-year doctor of osteopathic medicine program. Admitted students follow a three-year study in any undergraduate major, and receive their bachelor’s degree after their first year of medical school.

Lily Arancheril

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager
May 9, 2022
CHS9 biology teacher Brittany Medford lectures her third period class on March 3 about the relationship between structure and function, which is a topic in the body systems unit. Medford started teaching at CHS9 at the beginning of this school year and graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2016.

[Photo] Medford teaching from young age

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager
March 11, 2022
Got You Covered is a series detailing five events involving Coppell High School and Coppell ISD happening this week. It will be posted every Monday for the rest of the 2021-22 school year.

Got You Covered: 2/28 – 3/6

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager
February 28, 2022
The Sidekick communications manager Varshitha Korrapolu spars at Valley Ranch Taekwondo on Monday. Korrapolu expresses gratitude for taekwondo and how it has made her the person she is today.

Giving thanks: Taekwondo is my natural high

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager
November 19, 2021
Parents and other adults tend to impose their opinions and lifestyle on young adults. However, The Sidekick communications manager Varshitha Korrapolu thinks young adults should be allowed to make their own choices, as they are capable of making good decisions on their own and that an adult should serve as a helpful guide that nudges the child towards the right decision.

Little people can make big decisions

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager
October 26, 2021
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