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  • Coppell High School hosts the Annual Coppell ISD Post-High School Fair on Thursday from 6-8 p.m..
  • The 31st Annual Coppell Chamber Golf Classic starts at 8 a.m. on Thursday at Grapevine Golf Course.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Wren Lee

Wren Lee, Executive Design Editor

Wren is a senior. She moved here from the Land of Disney: Orlando, Florida. Yes, she went to Disney a lot. Yes, she has been to Universal. Wren adores books and anime. 

In her downtime, you can find her reading, practicing tae kwon do or procrastinating.

When Wren can, she travels during the summers. She has been to London, China, Singapore, Japan and Malaysia. She has visited mostly East Asia because her family lives there.

You can contact her [email protected] or @LaurenWrenLee

All content by Wren Lee

[Photo] Austin M

May 29, 2018
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[Photo] Alex Wu

May 29, 2018
With prom approaching, students are finding themselves set with an unrealistic standard of prom night being the “night of all nights.” People can spend massive amounts of money to make this standard a reality, however prom can still be an enjoyable experience with less money spent.

Coppell Observer: How to go cheap for prom

Wren Lee, Executive Design Editor
April 18, 2018
In August, President Donald Trump’s administration’s announcement to investigate a 2015 complaint against Harvard University by 64 Asian-Americans reopened the debate about the role of race in college admissions. Especially with public institutions receiving tens of thousands of applications, specific information about race and extracurriculars on resumes are not verified by college admission officials.

[Photo] Cutthroat race to university

Tanya Raghu, Enterprise Editor
February 27, 2018
“All the family members will get together and have dinner for the new year, and we have fun together. Then we watch a TV show called “Chun Wan”. There will be different shows for all ages, and family members watch TV together until 1 a.m. We go visit our relatives, and the little kids will ask for red packets with $30 to $40 inside [because the red paper signifies happiness and blessings on those who receive it]. [Feb. 16] is the start of the new year. My friends and family members posted on social media to celebrate Chinese New Year because they have vacations because it’s a holiday, but I’m in school studying, and it’s awful [because I’m not on vacation with them],” senior Skyler Zheng said.

Humans of CHS: Skyler Zheng

Wren Lee, Executive Design Editor
February 18, 2018
Feed your anime addiction

Feed your anime addiction

Wren Lee, Staff Writer
May 23, 2016

Anime away

Wren Lee, Staff Writer
May 20, 2016

Fans see stars when Meyer comes to town

Wren Lee, Staff Writer
February 12, 2016
Helena Posey (left) and Charlotte Posey (right)  hug at a game. Helena, a Lariette, was there to support the team.

Posey sisters dance in their own ways

Wren Lee, Staff Writer
January 26, 2016
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