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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Author Susannah Charleson reads a short section in her latest book Where the Lost Dogs Go at the Cozby Library and Community Commons on Sunday. The story highlights the importance of keeping pets in a secured area.

New York Times Bestselling author enlightens dog lovers

Tracy Tran, Staff Writer September 18, 2019

“The heart will find what the eyes can no longer see,” author Susannah Charleson said. Every person in the room stared up at the author, captivated as they hung on to her every last word. On...

On Friday night at the Cozby Library and Community Commons, best-selling author Julia Heaberlin signs books. Heaberlin visited the library to interact with and answer questions from readers and aspiring writers.

Internationally best-selling author shares insights, inspires writers around Coppell

Pramika Kadari, Copy Editor June 25, 2018

Although she usually writes for between five and 10 hours a day, best-selling author Julia Heaberlin is taking a break from the craft to promote her latest book, Paper Ghosts.   On...

Author Jennifer Mathieu advises her audience to not wear red, wire-frame glasses based on her experience with her first author photo on Saturday night at the Cozby Library and Community Commons. Mathieu has been writing since she was a child and won a school-wide contest when she was in fifth grade.

Mathieu inspires local book lovers, shares literary journey (with video)

Pramika Kadari, Staff Writer February 25, 2018

From telling her mother stories to write down for her as a child to becoming a published author of four books, author Jennifer Mathieu has come a long way.   On Saturday, she made an appearance...

The Cozby Library and Community Commons is a public library in Coppell which many Coppell High School students attend. Author Jennifer Mathieu will visit the library on Saturday to promote her book and speak about the craft of writing.

Mathieu appearing Saturday at public library

Pramika Kadari, Staff Writer February 23, 2018

Writing a book is a solitary activity--months of being shut in a room, your eyes glued to a screen. On Saturday, author Jennifer Mathieu will break out of that shell when she visits Coppell to speak...

Hopkins regales CHS students with her books, life stories

Wren Lee, Designer February 3, 2017

You would never think author Ellen Hopkins has gone through life’s hardships because her attitude is bubbly and bright. She smiles easily and leans in to whisper as if she has known you all her life....

Adult and young adult author Ellen Hopkins has written many fiction books, such as Tilt, Identical, Rumble, Traffick, Burned, Smoked, Impulse and Tricks. Hopkins will be visiting the Coppell High School Library on Feb. 1 to talk about her books.

Hopkins best selling author comes to CHS to talk with students, share her story

Wren Lee, Designer January 27, 2017

Author Ellen Hopkins has taken the young adult (YA) genre by storm with her unique style and captivating topics. On Wednesday, Hopkins will visit Coppell High School and share her writing experiences...

Horror author Darren Shan to visit CHS

January 29, 2013

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor Darren Shan, one of the premier horror and fantasy fiction writers of the 21st century, is scheduled to visit Coppell High School tomorrow - Wednesday, January 30. He...

Rohde writes more than passes

May 21, 2010

By Yogesh Patel Video by Blake Manfre and Kim Dalrymple Having your cell phone confiscated usually means two things: paying $15 to get your phone back and meeting probably the most interesting person...

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