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  • The Coppell High School Band holds its Mid-Winter Concert on Monday and Tuesday.
  • CHS hosts a Science Fair showcase in the cafeteria at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • Coppell ISD students have the day off on Friday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Cottonwood Creek Elementary School’s weather station was proposed by CCE dyslexia therapist Leslie Helwig in efforts to provide a hands-on learning opportunity for students. The weather station was installed in February and students use it before getting ready for the Cottonwood Creek News Network show in which the daily weather, lunch and announcements are reported on.

Helwig channeling inner meteorologist through weather station at CCE

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager April 30, 2022

A morning of sunshine, an afternoon of wind and an evening of rain.  The weather in Texas can be crazy sometimes.  In elementary school, students at every grade level learn about the weather. A...

Coppell High School student Nathaniel Umlas  learns Intensive Teacher training (ITT) cards with special needs teacher, Ed Beal, in the new education room D101. Beal moved his special needs classroom from C hall to D hall this school year for a more spacious and accessible learning room for students.

Beal finds fulfillment through SPED program

Christine Zacuai, Staff Writer January 31, 2018

When facing new changes, some may find it difficult to adapt and carry on their regular routines. However, Special Education (SPED) teacher, Eddie Beal, has responded with flexibility and a positive outlook...

Coppell High School senior EZ tutor Stephanie Wendt, tutors a client Tuesday after school in the Coppell Public Library. EZ tutor is a student organization that offers tutoring to families in Coppell for low prices as well as with flexible locations.

Making learning easy

Pramika Kadari, Staff Writer October 30, 2017

  An idea to help struggling students while also earning valuable business experience has developed into an expansive tutoring organization: EZ Tutor. EZ Tutor, a student run company, offers tutoring...

Deaf ASL substitute brings beneficial learning experience

Deaf ASL substitute brings beneficial learning experience

October 20, 2015 By Lili Lomas Staff Writer Only a few weeks into the school year, learners of American Sign Language (ASL) are getting a first hand experience with the...

On Wednesday in the main hallway, new Assistant Principal Ms. Arnold checks out Psychology text books to junior students. Photo by Regan Sullivan.

Arnold takes on new role as assistant principal

September 5, 2013

By Caroline Carter News Editor With the 2013-2014 school year in full swing, students of Coppell High School have seen many new faces of both students and faculty members. In the administrative department,...

Public library hosts Read to Rover

May 16, 2013

By Caroline Carter Staff Writer On May 18, the William T. Cozby Public Library will host Read to Rover, a reading program for elementary school students. Unlike many reading programs, Read to Rover...

Graphic by Sophie Nauyokas.

Cost of college is a price worth paying

December 14, 2012

By Kristen Shepard Staff Writer It seems like every year, high school becomes more and more of a pre-college. Every class becomes a college-prep course and every sport is pushing its athletes towards...

CISD joins, leads new consortium of high-performance districts

December 4, 2012

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor Over the decades, Coppell Independent School District has cultivated an identity as a model for districts trying to improve their growth management, student performance,...

Physics students launch rockets

November 29, 2012

By Caroline Carter Staff Writer For the past week, the Conceptual Physics classes have been constructing rockets as they begin their unit in applying basic rocketry principles with Newton's Laws....

CISD is currently investing into remodeling Coppell High School’s classrooms to create a 21st Century learning experience for it’s students. Mr. Rohloff’s room is one of the few classrooms at CHS that have already been remodeled.  The remodeling included the installment of new desks, seats, couches, smart boards, paint for the walls, etc. Photo by Trevor Stiff.

Coppell ISD adapts to 21st century learning

February 2, 2012

By Christina Burke Staff Writer As the world continues to spiral into a more technological and communicative time period, its education systems are taking the liberty of transforming their students...

Richards’ interior design class gains exquisite opportunity

November 4, 2011

By Christina Burke Staff Writer On Wednesday, CHS teacher Becky Richards was approached by Shalone Williams and Tami Martins. They asked if Richards' second period Interior Design class would be interested...

Cramming replaces learning

March 5, 2010

We all do it. Instead of learning the material needed to be successful, we pull all-nighters, drink packs of red bull and take an unhealthy amount of five hour energy to cram the information we should...

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