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The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Coppell High School junior TSA president Apurva Betgar, senior TSA treasurer Adarsh Pulasseri and junior Kadhir Vivekanandan Kalavathy work on their VEX Robotics project in Mike Yakubovsky’s third period practicum in engineering class on Tuesday. Betgar has grown from a shy individual to a strong leader and challenges the stigma around women in STEM.

Insecure to bold: Betgar transforms from timid member to vocal leader

Varshitha Korrapolu, Communications Manager March 22, 2022

A shy, hesitant 5-foot-3 girl enters a room full of guys that are technology enthusiasts. She tenses up and scans the room to see if there is anyone else that looks like her. Then CHS9 freshman Apurva...

For the proposed border wall between Mexico and the U.S., it would cost $5 billion. The Sidekick staff writer Anika Arutla explains why building a wall is not beneficial on either side.

Social, environmental downturns to wall

Anika Arutla, Staff Writer January 25, 2019

It is no secret that President Donald Trump’s foundation for his 2016 presidential campaign revolved around building a wall between the Mexican-U.S. border. Two years following his inauguration, the...

Barack Obama left the White House two weeks ago. With a campaign titled "Yes, We Can!", many now claim that "Yes, We Did!".

Looking Forward: Former president Barack Obama leaves behind legacy in White House

Rutuja Joshi, Staff Writer January 31, 2017

Just two weeks ago, a new president was inaugurated into the White House - President Donald J. Trump. The entering of a new president often results in a bittersweet leave for his predecessor. In 2017,...

Process to find new Chamber President begins

November 27, 2012

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor President of the Coppell Chamber of Commerce, Tony Moline, surprisingly announced his resignation earlier this month in order to take up a position for the Cedar Park...

Obama, Romney meet again at Hofstra

October 16, 2012

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor Going into the first presidential debate in Denver, enormous pressure was on Mitt Romney to show voters that he has what it takes to hold his own under the spotlight....

Biden, Ryan prepare for crucial Vice Presidential Debate

October 9, 2012

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor After a surprisingly impressive performance by Mitt Romney in the first Presidential Debate last Wednesday, the Vice Presidential Debate on Thursday has gained newfound...

Class officer voting today

April 16, 2012

By Kara Adkins Online Copy Editor The catchy slogans and nerve racking speeches are all paying off for students running for class officers today. Voting for president, historian, secretary, and...

U.S. President Barack Obama gives the State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress, Tuesday, January 24, 2012, in Washington, D.C. (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/MCT)

State of the Union outlines presidential plans

January 25, 2012

By Mary Whitfill Features Editor On Jan. 24 President Obama’s annual State of the Union address outlined what Obama considers to be the most pressing issues for his coming year in office. For...

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican presidential hopeful, attended the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce Business Speaks event Tuesday, January 17, 2012, at the Marriott in Columbia. (Tracy Glantz/The State/MCT)

Texas Gov. ends presidential bid

January 19, 2012

Mary Whitfill Features Editor Rick Perry, 11 year Texas Gov. is expected to leave the race for the GOP nomination on Thursday, two days before the South Carolina primary. Perry will hold a press...

GOP race lacking presidential potential

November 14, 2011

By Mary Whitfill Features Editor The Republican Presidential Primaries are shaping up to be more entertaining than most MTV reality TV shows. The debates have become so popular that, according to The...

The Next Few Four Years

May 11, 2011

By: Chris Cummins Staff Writer With the news of Osama bin Laden’s death and the celebrations that soon swept the nation, it’s inevitable that Obama’s presidency will be reevaluated in light...

A lack of business

January 21, 2011

Chris Cummins Staff Writer In another pro-business move, President Obama has appointed Jeffrey Immelt, a former GE Executive, as his chief Outside Economic Advisor. Intended eradicate the anti-business...

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