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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The Library of Things is a unique service offered to patrons of the Cozby Library and Community Commons. Cardholders over 18 can rent out an assortment of interesting items, from tote bags and umbrellas to a metal detector.

A Look into the Library of Things

Kayla Nguyen, Staff Photographer May 5, 2023

A mint green guitar, a bocce ball set, an oversized Jenga stack and a GoPro Hero 7 camera. What could these items have in common?  The answer: They’re all available at the Cozby Library and Community...

The Cozby Library and Community Commons offers patrons with books, study spaces, movies and games. Last week, Courtney Ferrell’s English IV class visited the library to learn about the various spaces and resources available for students.

Opening a window of opportunities through the library

Yaamini Jois, Staff Writer November 2, 2021

On a windy October afternoon, Courtney Ferrell’s English IV class headed towards Coppell’s Cozby Library and Community Commons, a small detour that marked many students’ first field trip in two years. By...

CISD students unleash inner artist through Cozby Library’s Storybook Contest

CISD students unleash inner artist through Cozby Library’s Storybook Contest

Pramika Kadari, Copy Editor March 25, 2019

Many Coppell ISD students became authors for the first time as they created picture books for the Cozby Library and Community Commons’ 2019 Storybook Contest, which concluded in February.   All...

On the Spot: Localizing legislation (with video)

Christine Zacuai, Executive News Editor March 8, 2019

On Thursday night, the Cozby Library and Community Commons saw the gathering of local community leaders, first responders and residents in House District 115 for the first Town Hall and Legislative Update...

On Friday night at the Cozby Library and Community Commons, best-selling author Julia Heaberlin signs books. Heaberlin visited the library to interact with and answer questions from readers and aspiring writers.

Internationally best-selling author shares insights, inspires writers around Coppell

Pramika Kadari, Copy Editor June 25, 2018

Although she usually writes for between five and 10 hours a day, best-selling author Julia Heaberlin is taking a break from the craft to promote her latest book, Paper Ghosts.   On...

Father Ken Griffin and daughter Morgan Griffin celebrate at the reception honoring the retirement of Ken in Coppell City Hall on March 28. Ken will leave his position as director of Engineering and Public Works for Coppell after 26 years of service for the city. As Ken retires, Morgan begins her position as a librarian at the Coppell Library and Community Commons.

Passing the torch: Griffins make their mark on the city

Christine Zacuai, Staff Writer May 25, 2018

After 26 years of service, Ken Griffin has retired as Coppell’s director of engineering and public works, while his daughter, Morgan Griffin begins her position as a librarian at the Coppell Cozby Library...

Author Jennifer Mathieu advises her audience to not wear red, wire-frame glasses based on her experience with her first author photo on Saturday night at the Cozby Library and Community Commons. Mathieu has been writing since she was a child and won a school-wide contest when she was in fifth grade.

Mathieu inspires local book lovers, shares literary journey (with video)

Pramika Kadari, Staff Writer February 25, 2018

From telling her mother stories to write down for her as a child to becoming a published author of four books, author Jennifer Mathieu has come a long way.   On Saturday, she made an appearance...

The Cozby Library and Community Commons is a public library in Coppell which many Coppell High School students attend. Author Jennifer Mathieu will visit the library on Saturday to promote her book and speak about the craft of writing.

Mathieu appearing Saturday at public library

Pramika Kadari, Staff Writer February 23, 2018

Writing a book is a solitary activity--months of being shut in a room, your eyes glued to a screen. On Saturday, author Jennifer Mathieu will break out of that shell when she visits Coppell to speak...

CHS celebrates 35th annual Banned Books Week

CHS celebrates 35th annual Banned Books Week

October 11, 2017      

Coppell resident Nicolas Garcia plays a jazz song on the clarinet while his daughter dances yesterday night at the Coppell Library. The Library will be hosting open mic nights  the second Wednesday of every month.

Coppell Public Library brings arts, community together at Open Mic event

Briana Thomas, Staff Writer February 11, 2017

The library, most commonly known as a place of silence - home to books, whispers and knowledge, should also be able to promote creative expression and talent.   This was the idea behind Open...

Author Neal Shusterman reads a paragraph of his new release "Challenge Deep" to describe his creative process to students. Photo by Kelly Monaghan.

Shusterman visits students to spread divergent thinking

May 1, 2015

By Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer @alex_dalton04 Broadening the minds of the youth is a difficult task that some authors decide to take on and author Neal Shusterman is one of them. Author of dystopian...

Public library hosts Read to Rover

May 16, 2013

By Caroline Carter Staff Writer On May 18, the William T. Cozby Public Library will host Read to Rover, a reading program for elementary school students. Unlike many reading programs, Read to Rover...

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