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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Class ranks for Coppell High School’s class of 2023 will be released soon. The Sidekick advertising/circulation manager Manasa Mohan thinks students should stop letting class ranks determine their self-worth.

Class ranks are just another number

Manasa Mohan, Advertising and Circulation Manager January 25, 2022

It is almost time. Class ranks are released for the class of 2023. The time most juniors anticipate with either excitement or fear.  Conversations about when class ranks come out, who will be ranked,...

Coppell High School students juniors Calen Halcom, Marcos Morales-Martinez, Matthew O'Quinn, Gregory Sabancuyan, Akash Vijay, Abigail Simon, Fiona Lopez and LeeAn Zhong were selected to participate in the High School Aerospace Scholars. Not pictured is junior Hannah George, who was also selected, and STEM teacher Pilar Castro-Zena. They will do a 16-week online interactive course of NASA activities related to space exploration, earth science, technology, mathematics and aeronautics.

Recommendation letters aid in celestial experience

Anika Arutla, Social Media Manager January 22, 2020

Earth is a small insignificant factor in the equation of the universe and programs such as NASA spend many resources exploring the world outside this planet.  Every year, it brings in high school students...

Red Jackets for next year are gearing up by grabbing the applications before they go offline on February 6th.

Red Jacket applications spark anticipation amongst students

January 31, 2015

By Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer @alexdalton04   Planning for next year, juniors are taking the next step to getting closer to their final year of high school by applying to be a Coppell High...

Senior Hamin Kim directs and films a scene in KCBY's Sweet 16 film entry at the Student Television Network Convention in Orlando, Fla. on Thursday. Thirteen KCBY staff members and adviser Irma Kennedy are in Orlando for the convention, which runs through Sunday, at the Rosen Plaza Hotel and Orange County Convention Center. Photo by Chase Wofford.

KCBY members travel to Sunshine State for STN convention

March 20, 2014

By Henriikka Niemi Staff Writer Last night, select members of Coppell High School’s broadcast station KCBY left for the Student Television Network Convention in Orlando, Fla. “It is a convention...

Possible exemptions allow for early summer

May 29, 2013

By Jordan Bickham Staff Writer As the year wraps up, students become more and more eager to leave school and begin summer.  The one and only obstacle standing in the way of them beginning summer 2013...

Juniors experience last TAKS test

April 25, 2013

By Caroline Carter Staff Writer After taking the TAKS test since they were in 3rd third grade, the juniors at Coppell High School and across the state of Texas have completed their final TAKS test...

Juniors to finish last round of TAKS testing

April 10, 2013

By Jay Carroll Staff Writer In a little less than two weeks the junior class will be taking its last three tests for the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skill (TAKS). The juniors will be testing...

Juniors to take English TAKS on Monday

March 1, 2013

By Elizabeth Sims Staff Writer On Monday, all juniors will be taking the English/Language Arts TAKS test. This means all juniors must come to school at the normal time so they can take the test. All...

PSAT scores released at school

December 13, 2012

By Caroline Carter Staff Writer After much anticipation, the PSAT scores were released today during all English classes. Coppell High School students took the test on Oct. 17. The PSAT is the preliminary...

Juniors register for annual PSAT

September 25, 2012

By Shannon Wilkinson Staff Writer The annual PSAT held at CHS on Wednesday, October 17th has already begun its registration. Students who are juniors must register online and pay a fee of $15.50. All sophomores...

Teen Leadership Coppell Retreat

September 13, 2012

By: Tina Huang Staff Writer This weekend is the first event for TLC Coppell. TLC is a program for juniors at CHS and New Tech to be involved in various leadership activities throughout the school...

Juniors to register for PSAT

September 12, 2012

By Jay Carroll Staff Writer Juniors can now register for the PSAT which will be taking place on Wednesday, Oct. 17. While not all juniors are required to register for the PSAT, counselors are encouraging...

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