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  • Coppell ISD is closed for spring break. Coppell Student Media publishing resumes March 24.
  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Pep rally minus the pep

Pep rally minus the pep

Farah Merchant, Staff Writer September 13, 2016

  “C-O-P-P-E-L-L, we are Cowboys hear us yell!”   Coppell High School assistant principal Sean Bagley bellows in his microphone waiting for the crowd to interrupt into cheer,...

Annual bingo, more than a fundraiser

Annual bingo, more than a fundraiser

October 21, 2015

By Farah Merchant Staff Writer Prizes, food, friends and bingo was what Coppell High School was all about on Friday during the annual cheer bingo fundraiser in the campus commons. The night kicked...

Thirteen years and counting, Cheer Bingo ends successfully once again

Thirteen years and counting, Cheer Bingo ends successfully once again

October 13, 2014

By Sloane Samberson staff writer @sloane_avery Last Friday, students, parents and grandparents picked up their bingo cards and filled the CHS cafeteria in hope of winning big money at the annual...

Cheerleading team holds annual clinic Saturday

September 20, 2012

By Caroline Carter Staff Writer Many young girls regularly attend the high school football games, dreaming of one day cheering the Cowboys on from the sidelines. This Saturday, elementary school...

Photo Gallery: Homecoming Pep Rally 2011

Photo Gallery: Homecoming Pep Rally 2011

September 23, 2011

Photos by Brian Hwu

Coppell welcomes the new cheerleading coach Tiffany Ganss, wishing her a good year. Photo by Rachel Bush.

Ganss returns to Coppell cheer

September 19, 2011

By Christina Burke Staff Writer With every sharp move and loud yell, cheerleaders work hard to motivate and represent our school. Beyond every cheer squad is one great cheer coach who loves the...

Super Bowl XLV first ever played without cheerleaders

January 25, 2011

By Henna Khan Business Manager This years Super Bowl could be one of the first ever to be played without cheerleaders leading the crowd on the sidelines. The Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green...

Boys and girls prepare to battle it out at tomorrow’s pep rally

March 25, 2010

By Mary Whitfill Staff Writer This Friday, boys and girls of CHS join together at the ‘battle of the sexes’ second period pep rally. To show school spirit, boys are to wear blue and...

Homecoming: more than just bells and whistles

October 13, 2009

Two weeks ago when I went to visit my brother at Southern Methodist University, I met his friend from California. At some point while talking to her, we reached the topic of Homecoming. “What’s...

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