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  • The Coppell High School Band holds its Mid-Winter Concert on Monday and Tuesday.
  • CHS hosts a Science Fair showcase in the cafeteria at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • Coppell ISD students have the day off on Friday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Internet corporations, thought policing, and you

Thomas Rousseau, Staff Cartoonist September 26, 2016

In everyday life, it has become quite apparent that the large news media corporations often have a bias attached to them. It is becoming more and more clear that MSNBC or FOX News do not share the same...

Quantity over quality, critical thinking nixed in favor of grades

November 14, 2014

Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer @alex_dalton04 As I scurry through the hallways in between classes I can always count on one thing; complaints. One of the best talents of teenagers is to find absolutely...

Privacy settings not so private

February 28, 2012

By Lauren VerDuin Staff Writer Starting March 1, your Web history when using any sort of Google account will be shared across the Google world unless you have manually changed your privacy settings....

Google unveils new technology

October 13, 2010

Paige Wilson Assistant Business Manager It has been an idea of the future, right up there with the flying car, but now it is reality. The hands-free car was unveiled by Google. Google has made the...

Google introduces “Instant” feature to expedite searches

September 10, 2010

Zeb White Staff Writer, Asst. Business Manager Search findings: about 37,000,000 results (0.20 seconds) Just when you thought searching the internet couldn’t get any faster, tech giant Google...

Let me google that for you!

May 19, 2010

By Ellen Cameron Staff Writer Google has invaded our society. I literally do not think we could function normally without the search engine. How else would we know the weather, the conversion of pounds...

What’s the buzz about Google Buzz?

April 5, 2010

By Wren Culp Staff Writer Google has one of the best reputations for online products the world has ever seen. They have made countless products, including the biggest search engine in the world,...

GlobalPulse: Top 3 News Items of the Week

March 22, 2010

By Angela Almeida Opinions Editor Asia: Basically, as of now a China vs. Google face-off is amiss. Essentially, Google is peeved with China for censorship in the mainland. Searches were forbidden...

Real loser of Super Bowl? Kim Kardashian

February 7, 2010

By Chris Nguyen Features Editor Maybe it's the inner-pop culture freak in me, but when I watch the Super Bowl, no matter how engrossing it is (just like this past game proved), I want to see the big...

The wonders of Google

November 17, 2009

By Rebecca Fowler Staff Writer Ahh, Google.  It does our homework, fills up our free time and helps us solve arguments.  The most popular search engine has developed into much more over the years...

Google Chrome takes internet to whole new level

October 26, 2009

By Rebecca Fowler Staff Writer Google runs my life.  Seriously.  I cannot even remember the last time I went to the library to research with an Encyclopedia or a pile of books. And now the most...

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