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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The Sidekick, KCBY-TV and Round-Up went to the JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention in San Francisco. The Sidekick and KCBY-TV each won first place in Best of Show, and Coppell Student Media won its second Online Pacemaker.

CHS media programs take home top honors at journalism convention

Wren Lee, Executive Design Editor April 18, 2018

The announcer went down the list of National Scholastic Press Association Online Pacemaker winners during the JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention in San Francisco and said, “Another...

Pittsburg (Kan.) High School seniors Connor Balthazor, Patrick Sullivan, Kali Poenitske, Maddie Baden, Gina Mathew and and their adviser Emily Smith talk about the Booster Redux’s investigative adventure uncovering discrepancies in their principal’s resume leading to her resignation they had in March 2017. They led a session on Friday at the JEA/NSPA Fall High School Journalism Convention at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas, which is being attended by Sidekick newspaper, KCBY-TV and Round-Up yearbook staff members.

On the Spot: From students to speakers; “Pittsburg Six” take on Dallas convention as journalism celebrities

Amelia Vanyo, Editor-In-Chief November 17, 2017

DALLAS - It all started with junior Maddie Baden noticing a couple discrepancies in her newly hired principal’s story.   It all ended with a trip to the White House correspondents dinner...

On the Spot: Journalists looking to go big at national journalism convention (with video)

Lili Lomas November 17, 2017

DALLAS - Nearly 5,000  high school journalists and advisers bustled around the Hyatt Regency lobby  at the first day of the 2017 JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention today.   For...

The CBS newsroom reporters all work on their stories as members of Coppell Student Media are given a tour around the CBS Studios Center in Los Angeles on Thursday. Members of The Sidekick and KCBY were able to talk with many different journalists and learn about the professional news company.

Convention opens staffer to new perspective

Grant Spicer, Staff Writer April 17, 2016
It seems to be that the best approach is every approach as long as it works for you.
Photo courtesy Ashley Benhayoun

Benhayoun gains life changing experience through choir convention (Q&A)

Sruthi Boppuri, Staff Writer March 23, 2016

Coppell High School Choir students are spreading Coppell talent beyond the borders of Texas. This past week, several CHS choir students traveled to Kansas City, MO, to participate in the Southwestern American...

Magical experiences, awards at 2015 fall JEA/NSPA convention

Magical experiences, awards at 2015 fall JEA/NSPA convention

November 20, 2015

Rachel Buigas-Lopez Editor-in-Chief @rachelbuigas ORLANDO, Fla. - The sunshine state greeted The Sidekick and KCBY staffs with 80 degree weather, a cookie from the DoubleTree hotel and a bright blue...

Eleven members of Coppell High School’s KCBY-TV and Round-Up yearbook programs departed today for Washington D.C. for the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention, which runs through Sunday. The student journalists plan to sightsee while in the nation’s capital, including a trip to Newseum (pictured here from a 2009 trip by Coppell Student Media). The Sidekick file photo

Coppell media contingent heads to nation’s capital for premier journalism convention

November 6, 2014

By Pranathi Chitta staff writer @prannydacheetah This morning, 11 members KCBY-TV and Round-Up yearbook members departed for Washington D.C. to attend the Journalism Education Association/National...

Love of journalism brings together special couple

Love of journalism brings together special couple

April 29, 2013

By Nikki Dabney Staff Writer SAN FRANCISCO - Rob and Kristi Rathbun are the dynamic duo of journalism. When students and advisors attend their session “Take it from the top: headlines and ledes”...

Editor-in-chief Michelle Pitcher listens as a spokesperson from Jostens speak about a new program that allows communities to share photos at the JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention on April 12. Photo by Brian Hwu.

The Sidekick staff ends first day of journalism convention

April 13, 2012

By Addy Buigas-Lopez Business Manager SEATTLE - Twelve Sidekick staff members, along with their adviser Chase Wofford and KCBY adviser Irma Kennedy, took off Wednesday night for the Journalism...

Many current anime fans started with comics such as  Sailor Moon and Codename: Sailor V . Photo by Kelly Stewart

Origins of anime

February 9, 2012

Kelly Stewart Opinions Editor Anime. The word can either invoke insane happiness, indifference, confusion or even terror depending upon whom you talk to. But whether you like anime or not, it...

May brings convention season to comic book and manga fans

May 5, 2011

Kelly Stewart Staff Writer Most students want the next few weeks to go by as fast as possible so they can get to summer. But for anime, manga and comic book fans alike, the weeks leading up to summer...

Journalist’s experience inspires students

April 15, 2011

Key note speaker Laura Ling shares about her experience being held captive in North Korea and the importance of journalism in the world. Photo by Aditi Shrikant. Crossing the border into hostile...

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