Elizabeth De Santiago, Staff Writer
Elizabeth De Santiago is a junior and second year staff writer for The Sidekick.
Her passion for writing stems from her childhood love of writing fictional stories. Throughout her time on The Sidekick, the thing she values most is the human connections she gets to make with people through her stories.
Outside of The Sidekick, she likes to listen to obscure music genres (specifically Japanese rap), skateboard, draw and drive her red Jeep Islander, Lilo, around town. Some of her favorite artists include Twenty One Pilots, Clairo, Elusin, Underscores, Awich and Yeule.
Elizabeth loves trying anything new especially when it comes to creative outlets she uses to express herself. Her favorite food of all time is takoyaki and her favorite drink is a Baja Blast from Taco Bell.
You can contact her by email at ead7579@g.coppellisd.com.