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  • The Planning and Zoning Commission meets at Town Center at 6 p.m. on Thursday.
  • KCBY-TV hosts Film Fest at the CHS auditorium on Wednesday at 7 p.m.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The transition from middle to high school can be a tough transition for many incoming freshmen. The Sidekick staff writer Isabella Callegaro Santos shares insightful tips to get good grades while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Graphic by Manasa Borra.

Freshman Forecast: Changing your mindset

Isabella Callegaro Santos, Staff Writer December 6, 2023

That time of every school year has come again. Studying for your next test, starting your next project, catching up on all your assignments. Now the content in your classes is harder, perhaps you are taking...

Toxic friendships can be blind to the eye, causing emotional damage that can affect mental health to a large degree. The Sidekick staff writer Sydney Araujo thinks people should communicate to avoid potential harmful relationships. Graphic by Sofia Exposito

Freshman Forecast: How to end toxic relationships

Sydney Araujo, Staff Writer November 13, 2023

You walk into your seventh period and take a seat next to your best friend. They’ve been different lately. They starts talking to you and everything seems OK, until a guy friend sits next to them.  They...

Many students in CHS9 use fashion to show off their creativity and identity. Staff writer Neha Nathwani explores the various ways students use fashion to express themselves in the halls of CHS9. Graphic by Noor Fatima

Freshman Forecast: Dress up your freshman year

Neha Nathwani, Staff Writer November 1, 2023

Thousands of lengthy molecules and polymers come together to curate a piece of fabric, a seemingly mundane item that serves as a paintbrush to paint a freshman’s canvas.   As the sun rises, feeling...

Many students struggle from the transition from middle school to high school. The Sidekick staff CHS9 editor Nyah Rama provides solutions to help the freshmen accommodate better to this change and let them know that they are not alone.

Freshman Forecast: Falling isn’t failing

Nyah Rama, CHS9 Editor October 5, 2023

The moment is finally here. You sit at your desk waiting for the teacher to call out your name and hand back the test that will determine your grade.  Your name is finally called and you saunter up...

Freshmen often feel overwhelmed when they start high school, with many questioning what their focus will be, who their friends are, and what clubs to join. In contrast, upperclassmen wish they could go back to enjoy their freshman year more, free of the stress that comes in the later parts of high school.

Freshman Forecast: How to navigate your freshman year

Anvita Bondada, Staff Writer October 2, 2023

“I’m so sick of this. When will high school be over?” If you are a freshman, chances are that you have thought these sentiments at least once in the first month of school. Many freshman students...

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