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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Coppell High School Black Student Union members Alana Nixon, KeTurah Richey, Sweetie Ansah and Kamsi Mbanugo create Valentine’s Day bags to help strengthen bonds among their members. BSU’s daily announcements throughout Black History Month in February highlight the contributions of Black historical figures in shaping society. Photo by Yoshita Sanivarpu.

Importance of Black history told through BSU daily announcements

Cato Ware, Staff Writer February 21, 2025

Sitting back down after the Pledge of Allegiance, students listen in for the afternoon announcements. After wishing our sports teams good luck, Coppell High School students sit for a quick lesson in history. The...

Celebrating Black History Month at Cozby Library & Community Commons (video)

Greeshma Marathu and Minori Kunte February 29, 2024

Local community leaders Minister Crystal Bates, Valley Ranch Elementary School Principal Cynthia Arterbery and Harp Essence musician Grace Johnson elaborate on what Black History Month means to them and...

Coppell High School sophomore Sweetie Ansah and other members of the Black Student Union paint a poster commemorating Black History Month. Coppell High School juniors Brandalyn Veail, Sedem Butasi and sophomore Sweetie Ansah founded the Black Student Union Club last May in an effort to instill unity among African American students at Coppell High School.

Black Student Union incepted to create a sense of community

Rhea Choudhary, Staff Writer February 1, 2023

Last May, Coppell High School juniors Sedem Butasi and Brandalyn Veail alongside sophomore Sweetie Ansah came together in an effort to instill unity among the African American students at Coppell High...

For Black athletes, segregation laws and racial prejudices have kept them from being able to play with white athletes. Today, people of all races can compete with fewer limitations and with more athletes to look back upon for inspiration.

#BlackHistoryMonth: Breaking the race barrier

Sri Achanta, News Editor March 1, 2022

Jack Johnson. Jesse Owens. Jackie Robinson. All of these athletes worked tremendous amounts to break the same barrier: race. It wasn’t until 1908 that Johnson became the first African-American Heavyweight...

#BlackHistoryMonth: Local Black-owned restaurants to explore (interactive)

#BlackHistoryMonth: Local Black-owned restaurants to explore (interactive)

Srihari Yechangunja, Design Editor February 28, 2022

Follow Srihari (@_fgmx) and @CHSCampusNews on Twitter.

Coppell High School junior Alexis Sibanda draws mouths from reference for a portrait project. Sibanda’s artwork depicts her friends and family, often commentating on social justice issues.

#BlackHistoryMonth: A surreal window into Sibanda’s world

Shrayes Gunna, Staff Writer February 28, 2022

As her pencil hits paper, she floats in a world of her own with her thoughts, beliefs and emotions fluttering around her like the subjects she depicts.  Coppell High School junior artist and debater...

With a Black Jamaican mother and a white father from Ohio, Coppell High School senior Miller is biracial, but identifies themselves as Black because of their rich culture. Miller celebrates their heritage during Black History Month as they believe it is a big part of their identity.

#BlackHistoryMonth: The show behind the curtains (with video)

Sreeja Mudumby, Executive Editorial Page Editor February 3, 2022

The curtains open and the lights flash. The crowd is full, all eyes on the stage. But the front conveys only half the story.  Backstage is where the magic lies.  Coppell High School senior...

The Black community has shaped contemporary culture throughout history. The Sidekick staff writer Minnie Gazawada gives credit to their cultural impact. Graphic by Maya Palavali

#BlackHistoryMonth: Vanishing footprint left by Black community on pop culture

Minnie Gazawada, Staff Writer/Designer February 1, 2022

Slang, rhythm and blues, jazz, lettuce hem, hoop earrings and logomania. What do they all have in common? Their roots are found in Black history.  Each has been impacted by the culture throughout...

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