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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Behind the ballot: 2024 elections

Behind the ballot: 2024 elections

Hamza Zakir, Staff Writer October 31, 2024

As politics has taken a bigger role in everyday life, the importance of young voters casting their ballot is as important as ever. The Sidekick editorial board believes in the duty to vote, no matter your political perspective.

Editorial: What is “political,” really?

Editorial Board November 3, 2022

In October 2018, Taylor Swift broke her silence in regards to the world of politics to encourage fans in her home state of Tennessee to register to vote in the upcoming midterm elections. Just 24 hours...

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died from pancreatic cancer in Washington, D.C. on Friday. Ginsburg advocated against gender discrimination and was the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

Fighting for justice for all

Shivi Sharma, Executive News Editor September 21, 2020

Since the 1970s, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg pioneered the fight for women’s rights through her work on equal pay and sex-based discrimination cases. At the time of her appointment in 1993,...

Thirty states retain the death penalty, but only eight executed prisoners in 2018. Texas executed 13 of the 25 total inmates killed last year. The Sidekick staff writer Emma Meehan discusses why the death penalty should be abolished in the United States. Graphic by Kaylee Aguilar.

Kill capital punishment in pursuit of ethical society

Emma Meehan, Staff Writer December 6, 2019

Death is final. Different from convicted felons sentenced to life in prison, death row inmates cannot appeal if new exonerating evidence comes to light after they are executed.  They are already...

Putting the correct in political correctness

Putting the correct in political correctness

Grant Spicer, Staff Writer October 31, 2016
Political correctness has two functions: to raise awareness and to be inclusive.
The crowd awaiting the Bernie Sanders rally in Grand Prairie. Photo by Nicolas Henderson.

A tale of two rallies, Sanders and Trump

Nicolas Henderson, Staff Writer March 8, 2016

There is nothing quite like an election year. There is an energy felt around the country that gets more and more intense as the general election creeps closer.   The idea that after four or...

Donald Trump addressing supporters at his Fort Worth rally on Friday. Trump focused his speech on his ideas to "make America great again" while spending considerable time knocking down opponent Marco Rubio. Photo by Nicolas Henderson.

Trump announces Christie endorsement, hammers Rubio at Fort Worth rally

Nicolas Henderson, Staff Writer February 29, 2016

  FORT WORTH - 8 a.m. on Commerce Street in downtown Fort Worth is usually pretty barren, with the exception of a few cars here and there and the occasional pedestrian. On Friday morning this was...

Hawaii has the lowest voter turnout historically while Minnesota has the highest. Texas has the sixth lowest voter turnout. Graphic by Manu Garikipati.

Young adults, early voting, and their impact on the upcoming election

Nicolas Henderson, Staff Writer February 19, 2016

  As the presidential race gains momentum, young voices are arguably becoming the deciding factor in the upcoming elections. With the Iowa Caucuses yielding surprising results on both the Democratic...

Open carry became legal in Texas on January 1, 2016. Here are the basics of the law.

Open Carry Is Not Necessary

Nicolas Henderson, Staff Writer January 29, 2016

In a potentially revolutionary era for American politics, citizens have been constantly  battling between which politician is right on a multitude of topics facing our country right now, and at the forefront...

Celebrate a very patriotic Christmas with these presidential candidate gift ideas

December 20, 2015

By Nicolas Henderson Staff Writer @happenstance98   As 2016 approaches, we continue to hear about the presidential candidates from both parties making their cases as to why they should...

News media defaults to scare mongering in exchange for ratings

January 25, 2013

By Ben Cowlishaw Staff Writer Scaremongering is no longer just up to lobbyists and interest groups in Washington; today’s mainstream media has defaulted to alarmist tactics in exchange for ratings. It...

Graphic by Rinu Daniel.

Carroll encourages future voters to explore political landscape

November 28, 2012

By Jay Carroll Staff Writer This year’s presidential election definitely provided entertainment and gave the people something to watch for about a three months before the Nov. 6 election, but it...

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