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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Disney movies such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Tangled” and “Aladdin” present toxic relationships to the audience as ideal. The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Manasa Mohan thinks Disney has created bad role models for young children by focusing on conforming to society’s standards.

The fairytale ending is not what we thought it was

Manasa Mohan, Executive Editorial Page Editor February 10, 2023

You’ve heard it before. The classic tale where the female lead falls in love with a male prince. Some obstacle or challenge gets in the way of their “happily ever after.” The prince valiantly fights...

Disney's Star Wars sequels: I have a bad feeling about this

Disney’s Star Wars sequels: I have a bad feeling about this

November 2, 2012

By Will Thomas Staff Writer On Tuesday, The Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm Ltd. for $4.05 billion and announced that Star Wars: Episode 7 would be released in 2015. Everyone I have discussed...

"Star Wars: the Essential Reader's Companion" by Pablo Hidalgo (Del Ray, $29.95) is a guide to "Star War"'s Expanded Universe in literary form. (Del Ray/MCT)

The force is strong with Disney’s new Star Wars sequels

October 31, 2012

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor A decade ago in a press conference far, far away, George Lucas swore that the saga was finished, that there would never be another Star Wars film. It appears that his...

Graphic by Brian Hwu.

Princesses promote poor values

January 31, 2012

By Kara Adkins Online Copy Editor With drool stains on his T-shirt and boogers running from his nose, I was rejected on my preschool playground by my first crush. In that gut-wrenching moment,...

“Tangled” in new Disney controversy

March 12, 2010

Ashleigh Heaton Entertainment Editor I'll admit, I don't think I ever grew out of fairytales: in my opinion, Disney movies are just better than all other movies being made today. So imagine, if you...

Disney: My happy ending

January 29, 2010

By Rebecca Fowler Staff Writer Ball gowns.  Handsome princes.  Talking animals. It must be Disney. With undeniable features and characters, Walt Disney’s multi-million company has become...

Disney: Not always a happily-ever-after

January 29, 2010

Satvika Ananth Staff Writer I always wanted to be Cinderella. I wanted the transformation, the bitter revenge on an evil stepmother, the cute little mice friends and most of all, the packaged deal...

The 101 Dalmatians Musical kidnaps audiences in Dallas

December 16, 2009

The 101 Dalmatians Musical  is coming to Dallas tonight, and will continue to travel through the United States in 2010. This Broadway musical is based off of Dodie Smith’s book, which has now been...

Past meets present with Dickens classic

December 11, 2009

By Mary Whitfill Staff Writer Well known for being the Christmas hater and joy destroyer, is it fathomable for Ebenezer Scrooge to become a loveable movie character? Well, anything is possible for...

Walt Disney embraces Shanghai

November 5, 2009

By Mary Whitfill Staff Writer Robert Iger, CEO of Walt Disney Co., has said that China is one of the “most dynamic, exciting and important countries in the world” and he has received the go-ahead...

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