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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The Library of Things is a unique service offered to patrons of the Cozby Library and Community Commons. Cardholders over 18 can rent out an assortment of interesting items, from tote bags and umbrellas to a metal detector.

A Look into the Library of Things

Kayla Nguyen, Staff Photographer May 5, 2023

A mint green guitar, a bocce ball set, an oversized Jenga stack and a GoPro Hero 7 camera. What could these items have in common?  The answer: They’re all available at the Cozby Library and Community...

Coppell residents and authors gather at the Cozby Library and Community Commons for the Indie Author Fair. The Indie Author Fair, an event for local authors to connect and publicize their books, was Saturday at the Cozby Library and Community Commons.

Indie Author Fair promoting independent authors

Divya Sivalenka, Staff Writer November 7, 2022

  Faint conversation flows through guests’ ears as they are greeted with warm smiles, picturesque displays and the smell of freshly printed books at Cozby Library Community and Commons on a...

Got You Covered is a Sidekick series detailing five events happening at Coppell High School the following week. It will be posted every Monday for the rest of the 2021-22 school year.

Got You Covered: 11/15 – 11/21

Akhila Gunturu, Executive News Editor November 15, 2021

Nov. 15 - Nov. 19 is Anti-Bullying Week, which is commemorated annually to bring awareness of bullying in schools.   The Coppell Color Guard is hosting auditions for the JV winter guard on Tuesday...

On Thursday at the Cozby Library and Community Commons from 7 to 8:30 p.m., licensed professional counselor Chris Guzniczak, located at the Flower Mound Counseling clinic, is discussing mental health strategies. Guzniczak will share tips for handling negative feelings, identifying emotions, changing perspectives and maintaining a sense of self. Photo courtesy Chris Guzniczak

Guzniczak to speak about teenage mental health

Anushree De, Staff Writer October 20, 2021

According to a study published by Journal of Medical Internet Research, 71% (138 of the 195 students) of randomly selected high school students indicated increased stress and anxiety due to the COVID-19...

Author Susannah Charleson reads a short section in her latest book Where the Lost Dogs Go at the Cozby Library and Community Commons on Sunday. The story highlights the importance of keeping pets in a secured area.

New York Times Bestselling author enlightens dog lovers

Tracy Tran, Staff Writer September 18, 2019

“The heart will find what the eyes can no longer see,” author Susannah Charleson said. Every person in the room stared up at the author, captivated as they hung on to her every last word. On...

The Coppell Cozby Library and Community Commons is hosting its annual authors meetings on Sunday from 2-3 p.m. Author Susannah Charleson is discussing her latest book “Where the Lost Dogs Go” and sharing her work as a K9 search and rescue trainer.

New York Times bestseller author to gather book lovers at Cozby Library

Tracy Tran, Staff Writer September 14, 2019

On Sunday, the Coppell Cozby Library and Community Commons is hosting an author visit for teenagers and adults. At the event, author Susannah Charleson will discuss her latest book, Where the Lost Dogs...

Yesterday, teens crafted crowns at the Cozby Library and Community Commons’ Teen Nite Tonight event. The event’s theme was the CW show “Riverdale”; in the Archie comics the show is based off, the character Jughead wears crowns.

Teens enjoy treats, television at Teen Nite Tonight

Anthony Cesario, Entertainment Editor September 21, 2018

Teens grades six through 12 went “back to school with Riverdale” yesterday at the Cozby Library and Community Commons for its monthly Teen Nite Tonight event.   Ice cream and milkshakes...

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