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  • Coppell High School hosts the Annual Coppell ISD Post-High School Fair on Thursday from 6-8 p.m..
  • The 31st Annual Coppell Chamber Golf Classic starts at 8 a.m. on Thursday at Grapevine Golf Course.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Appointment-only COVID-19 testing is available in the visitor’s side press box of Buddy Echols field. The Curative testing center is open from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday for patients of at least 5 years of age; minors between 5 and 17 years must have an adult accompany them.

Beginning 2022 with more positive (cases)

Anjali Vishwanath, Daily News/Assignment Editor January 10, 2022

During the first semester of the 2021-22 school year, one could say, hesitantly, that the pandemic seemed to be coming to a close. Largely maskless students filled the hallways of Coppell High School,...

If a Coppell ISD student tests positive for COVID-19, their parent is recommended to contact the school nurse and the communications department will add a case to the CISD COVID-19 Dashboard. If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19, the communications department updates the CISD COVID-19 dashboard.

COVID-19 dashboard reporting same-day cases

Sri Achanta, Staff Writer October 7, 2021

“We are notifying you that an individual in your class is confirmed to have COVID-19” is the beginning of an email all contact traced Coppell High School students have received in the past nine weeks. Yet,...

After returning to full in person school, Coppell High School students have been facing academic and emotional challenges.  Coppell ISD is working to bridge learning gaps caused by COVID-19 by emphasizing learner choice and interaction.

Molding to the new normal

Akhila Gunturu, Executive News Editor October 4, 2021

For many Coppell ISD students, the 2020-21 school year began in the silence of their bedrooms in front of a screen. Fast forward, and the school year finished in the same place, with only a screen to connect...

A standard medical face mask is composed of three layers: a water-repellent layer, a filter layer to prevent germs from entering and a soft, absorbent layer. The Sidekick staff writer Yasemin Ragland encourages people to wear a mask and describes the importance of wearing one. Graphic by Srihari Yechangunja.

Why you should wear a mask, even if you don’t have COVID-19

Yasemin Ragland, Writer October 1, 2021

I have noticed people don’t wear masks to school, or anywhere. Even if they do, they don’t wear them properly. While 83 percent of Americans support wearing masks, only 50 percent actually wear the...

During Monday’s Coppell ISD Board of Trustees meeting, district coordinator of safety and security Rachael Freeman discusses a routine audit of security procedures in all CISD facilities.

Board extends mask policy to Oct. 25

Minnie Gazawada, Staff Writer/Designer September 28, 2021

Coppell ISD Board of Trustees extend its campus and facilities mask mandate through Oct. 25 at Monday’s meeting. During the open forum, parents spoke on the topic of the mandate, running from stressing...

All Coppell ISD kindergarten through sixth grade students will return to in-person learning on Oct. 7 for the second nine weeks of the 2021-22 school year. At this time, CISD does not plan to offer temporary virtual learning to any grade level for the remainder of the school year.

Virtual learning option expires at the nine week mark

Anjali Vishwanath, Daily News/Assignment Editor September 22, 2021

A Monday announcement from Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt alerted Coppell ISD families that the virtual learning option for pre-K through sixth grade students will not extend past its original end date of...

Coppell High School Band practices choreography in the parking lot behind Buddy Echols Field during its after school rehearsal on Aug. 26. Coppell Band and other fine arts is adjusting to in-person learning after a year of Zoom practice sessions. Photo by Olivia Cooper

Fine arts programs resuming pre-pandemic learning

Joanne Kim, Podcast Producer September 15, 2021

With the option of virtual instruction during the 2020-21 school year, the majority of students at Coppell High School opted to learn from the safety of home. Though this impacted all programs and courses,...

The contact tracing process began last school year when some students were virtual and some were in person. If a student tests positive for COVID-19, Coppell High School administrators facilitate this contact tracing process.

Contact tracing ensures effective COVID-19 tracking

Akhila Gunturu, Executive News Editor September 12, 2021

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing throughout the beginning of the school year, Coppell ISD continues to monitor COVID cases through the contact tracing process.  “We're responding as we can to...

Masks, virtual learning dominate open forum at board meeting (WITH VIDEO)

Anjali Vishwanath, Daily News/Assignment Editor August 24, 2021

Monday’s Coppell ISD Board of Trustees meeting drew a great deal of community interest as around 50 CISD residents attended to present their opinions on masking in schools and virtual learning in the...

Coppell High School students greet each other before first period on the first day of school on Tuesday. All CHS students are on campus for the first time since March 2020.

Anything but just any other first day of school

Anjali Vishwanath, Daily News/Assignment Editor August 18, 2021

The first day of the 2021-22 school year would be just like any other first day of school. In many ways, it was: smiling teachers, Red Jackets, and cheerleaders welcomed students to Coppell High School...

Coppell High School English II teacher Stephen Patino assists CHS sophomore Macy Baume during fifth period in his classroom on Oct. 19. Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the mandatory mask mandate will be reinstated for grades pre-K through grade 12 while a temporary virtual schooling option is available for pre-K through grade for the first nine weeks of school.

District to open school year with masks, pre-K through 6th virtual learning option

Anjali Vishwanath, Daily News/Assignment Editor August 11, 2021

On Tuesday, Coppell ISD announced that there will be a virtual learning option for pre-K to sixth grade students for the first nine weeks of the 2021-22 school year. Today, it announced Dallas County Judge...

On Tuesday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that school districts would be prohibited from instituting mask mandates for the 2021-22 school year. As a result, Coppell ISD has announced that wearing masks will be optional in the fall.

Full in-person learning returning for 2021-22

Anjali Vishwanath, Staff Writer May 20, 2021

On Tuesday, Coppell ISD Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt announced the district will not require face masks for staff and students in the 2021-22 school year.  Dr. Hunt also announced CISD is resuming...

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