Rebecca Neumann
Staff Writer
This week, the top five percent ranked students in the class of 2010 are taking pictures with their favorite teachers at Bob Freeman’s Studio in Coppell.
Each year, CHS honors the top five percent graduating seniors with a banquet. This year, the banquet is on May 4 at the D/FW Airport Marriot Hotel. Seniors submit a list of three teachers they would like to invite as their guest to the banquet and the administration assigns one of the requested teachers to each student.
“[I picked] Coach Kemp, my AP Statistics teacher [to take a picture with],” senior Henry Trahan said. “I picked him because I really like math as a subject and he teaches the class really well. It’s one of my favorite classes and we do some pretty cool things with different types of Statistics, learning about different tests that we can do, and how it all applies to real life.”
Many students like to get creative when it comes to their pictures, such as doing an interesting pose or wearing costumes. Trahan has given some thought to his picture.
“We have this thing [in Statistics] called a normal curve,” he said. “I’m planning on having both of stand on either side of the curve and with elbows on top of it.”