Long-awaited freshman center opens its doors to both fresh feel, furniture

Bren Flechtner

CHS9 freshmen make their way through the hallways after being released from fourth period on the first day of school at the newly renovated campus. By housing nearly 900 students and 80 faculty members, CHS9 hopes to avoid the issue of overcrowding seen at CHS and become a more tight-knit community within the school.

Christine Zacuai, Executive News Editor

This morning, anticipation for the converted freshman center, CHS9, reached an end as its first school year welcomes a bustling and bright-eyed school freshmen class.


Despite being an entirely new campus faced with the obstacles of transportation and scheduling, CH9 has ran into little problems on its first day.


With construction concluding, students are thrilled to see the eccentric and new features built throughout their school, such as the gym-converted Career & Technical Education (CTE) area and two large gyms complete with an athletics locker room.


“It’s pretty interesting to explore the new school,” freshman Taryn Stevens said. “Even the lunch room is a lot bigger than it used to be.”


The former home to Coppell Middle School West, which opened its own new campus Wednesday in Cypress Waters, CHS9 boasts a nontraditional atmosphere through its open and collaborative learning spaces. Teachers are not confined to a singular space and can access the open tools and seating found in hallways, despite having well-equipped classrooms.


CHS9 Principal Cody Koontz envisions a learning environment that will spark newfound interests and passion in students in the comfort of their own classroom.


“[The new structure] is fostering the ability to get out of the typical four walls of a classroom,” Koontz said.


Bren Flechtner
CHS9 Spanish teacher Judy Garrett uses a flexible learning space for a class exercise in the hallway during fourth period on Wednesday during the first day of school. The new campus has created new areas throughout the school that encourage open and collaborative learning.


As an extension of CHS, the campus still provides the wide range of elective and CTE class options for students in preparation for their attendance at the high school.


The campus, housing nearly 900 students and 80 faculty members, hopes to avoid overcrowding and build a more close-knit community within the school.


“Having the opportunity to invest into one grade level that has a unique set of needs and integrating together in the shelter of one building is just exciting,” Koontz said. “I want them to walk out of here feeling like they can do anything in the whole world.”


The excitement of opening CHS9 is recognized by both CHS transferred staff and students alike.


“The feeling here today is amazing,” CHS9 AP/GT Biology teacher Cathy Douglas said. “The looks on the kids’ faces and how they’re acting – it’s finally their school.”