On the Spot: Zuckerberg hearing raises privacy concerns, speculation

Quyenh Phang

Facebook users at Coppell High School find ways to protect their online information on their devices. After discovering that Facebook has been collecting personal information and data from their users, both students and staff feel they should take safety precautions when dealing with online media.

Christine Zacuai, Staff Writer

The Congressional hearing of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg concerning the Facebook’s release of personal data to Cambridge Analytica today raises speculation about the security of personal information handled on the app.


The ongoing investigation by members of Congress bring facilitators on campus to encourage the use of safe online activity.


“It is super important that you try not to use public servers or networks,” CHS librarian Cathy Arvizu said. “I would advise not be doing any personal types of browsing while on work or on not a hundred percent secure servers.”


Facebook has more than a billion users and the scandal draws distrust from certain users here at CHS.


“If you can’t trust the service that allows you share things with your family, how can you trust anything on the Internet at all?” junior Amanda Figueroa said.


The hearing draws a wary reaction from teachers and staff when browsing their content online.


“I will be a lot more cautious about what I’m putting out there,” KCBY-TV adviser Irma Kennedy said.