Frances Ruiz
Staff Writer
While no thoughts are more terrifying to an incoming freshman than mercilessly being thrown over the senior bridge or having to eat the sack lunch mom packed alone in the bathroom, certain measures have been taken by Coppell High School and New Tech High@Coppell to help students adjust to the upcoming period of change and transition.
Taking place from Feb. 15-17, eighth graders throughout CISD ventured outside of their CMS North, East and West comfort zones to bravely face the unknowns of high school. During the scheduled visits to their next home away from home, the incoming freshman class was able to familiarize itself with the unique facets of campus, such as the horseshoe and senior bridge, grow accustomed to the location of certain classes, such as the fine arts wing and foreign language hallway and get a feel for what an authentic high school atmosphere is truly like.
United States History teacher Angela Geiger thought the visits implemented would be helpful and beneficial to all students.
“I personally enjoyed the visit in itself but it was really great to have the kids experience what New Tech and Coppell High School are like,” Geiger said.
Although a number of high school students had previously gone to each middle school to present information concerning next year’s academies, the switch in visitors and locations was designed to alleviate any worries or concerns middle school students might have had. While on the CHS campus, eighth graders were able to experience high school as it normally occurs through tours given by Red Jackets and Ready, Set, Teach! students.
This opportunity not only enabled eight grade students to ask questions about the variety of classes offered at CHS, but allowed them to voice personal concerns and get answers from people who had experienced the traditions, regularities and special events of CHS at first hand.
Eighth grader Alex McCracken felt that the student led tours were a big help when learning about and experiencing more of CHS.
“The tour guides were really fun and made me feel comfortable enough to ask questions,” McCracken said. “I liked that the tours were given by students because we could ask about their personal experiences and struggles they have had.”
In addition to tours, middle school visitors were able to learn more about the CHS campus through two informational sessions: one directed by Principal Brad Hunt and one instructed by the freshman guidance counselors. While Hunt’s session consisted of an upbeat video produced by KCBY showcasing the fun and exciting aspects of CHS while acting as an introduction to the day’s series of activities and events, the counselors’ presentation was full of course information and tools necessary for future CHS students to achieve success.
Freshman guidance counselor Sharron Thurlkill felt the informational sessions explained important information in a helpful manner.
“The presentations gave students great information about CHS while making them feel welcome,” Thurlkill said. “We’ll know how successful these visits to the high school were once we sort through registration but we have already received positive feedback from the middle schools.”
Although the whirlwind of high school tours and presentations quickly came to an end, middle school students continue on in their transitions and preparations for the future. With an upcoming lottery planned at New Tech High@Coppell on March 4. and CHS registration forms due within the following weeks, for the incoming freshmen, this transition proves to be an ongoing process.
While middle school students anticipate the exciting day of fish camp, next year’s student body, administration and staff look forward to getting to know the incoming freshman class and welcoming them to their next four years at CHS.