By Jordan Bickham
Staff Writer
Today marks the beginning of another year for the Supporting Peers and Utilizing Relationships Program, more commonly known as SPUR.
In previous years, the SPUR program has helped connect students and teach them tips in order to be successful in school. Last year, some of the SPUR discussions included abusive relationships, how to deal with stress, time management and many more that helped students in school. The goal of the program is for students to do well in school, and SPUR has definitely reached that goal in the past.
The program usually occurs before fourth period, but is done with the students of the fourth period class. SPUR also causes the school day to have a different schedule than usual in order to make time for the presentation. Today, students learned more about what SPUR actually is. They also played games such as mine field, talisman and twenty questions in order to get to know each other better. Throughout the year, there will be more games such as these to go along with lessons, as well as videos, presentations and more.
SPUR is student-let, even the lessons are created by the students for the students, so the lessons are always worth paying attention to. So get ready for SPUR 2012-2013!