Ashley Attanucci
Web Manager
Flu season peaks in American every year about the same time, February. And though each year brings new and different strains of the flu -as we saw last year with the infamous swine flu- this year proves to be an especially important year to watch for influenza.
The flu has recently hit CHS hard as the month of January came to a close, leaving students and teachers bed-ridden for the rest of their week. So while the 6-day snow break allowed for the school-wide epidemic to simmer down, students and families should still take the neccessary precautions to avoid this year’s flu and avoid chances of students catching it at school and bringing the virus home.
The Center for Disease Control reccommends that vaccination is the most effective preventative for anybody over the age of six months. The 2010-2011 vaccines for influenza are available at a number of places near home, like your family doctor or Wal-mart.
At Coppell’s Walgreens, located at Denton Tap and Parkway, you can protect yourself and simultaneously your loved ones from contracting the flu virus for thirty bucks. You can now purchase a Walgreens’ new gift card for a loved one, which is loaded with $29.99 and ready for a walk-in vaccination.
As always, follow daily steps for flue prevention and be sure to
- properly wash your hands with soap and water
- cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, not your hands or elbow
- avoid contact with sick people
- watch for symptoms of the flu
- remain at home for 24 hours after fever
To learn more about this year’s flu and check symptoms and ways to prevent illness, check out the Center of Disease Control website, or CDC.