Inside a local and lively coffee shop, a group of young women lay out their colorfully displayed Bibles, flipping to the book of Philippians to speak about the word of God.
Coppell Coffee Talk is a program consisting of several high school girls in the community, eager to learn more about their faith in Jesus with the help of mentors and a support system. The program hosts a monthly Sunday meeting at George Coffee + Provisions in Coppell with about 50 to 60 members attending.
Co-founders Amy Weber and Sharon Mankin started the program in 2006 with a mission to spread the gospel to high school girls.
“When my good friend’s daughter got to eighth grade, she realized she wanted to do a big Bible study for her high school friends,” Weber said. “I helped her kick it off to get started and the rest is history.”
In its mission of encouraging young women through their journey in faith, Coffee Talk welcomes all with different backgrounds.
“It’s all Christian women that want to love young girls with the gospel and tell them the truth about Jesus,” Weber said. “Coppell Coffee Talk’s purpose is to create a community for girls and to give them a safe space to meet and grow in their faith.”
Coffee Talk has influenced the lives of several girls, shaping their future and spiritual journey.
“Coffee Talk impacts my daily life by being able to listen to speakers discuss God’s word in so many ways and how we can apply it to our daily life,” New Tech High @ Coppell junior Sydney Wood said. “I also meet up with my mentor, Dawn Ramsey, about once a week, chatting and taking some time to pray with each other.”
Mentors meet with members once a month outside of the monthly meetings.
“Because Coffee Talk has been going on so long, there’s a lot of mentors that were Coffee Talk girls in high school who went to college, came back, lived in the area, and are back being mentors because Coffee Talk meant so much to them in high school,” Weber said. “We have a lot of girls that are in their early 20s, mid-20s that are mentoring and are all women that are truly connected to a church, following the Lord into their faith.”

(Katie Park)
Mentors provide guidance and assistance to mentees, strengthening their bond and relationship with one another.
“I would say my mentor has been one of the biggest blessings in my life, and she’s really kept me accountable,” Coppell High School senior Emme Ratliff said. “She’s my foundation and helps me build that relationship with Christ even more, and I just love being able to talk to her about my life and Christ and just the relationship built between us.”
Joining the program can enhance one’s faith as well as develop meaningful friendships.
“I highly encourage other girls to attend Coffee Talk if they want a support group or to learn more about Christ and to live through God’s word,” Wood said. “Coffee Talk has changed my life for the better and I thank God for such sweet friendships.”
Powerful relationships can guide others through Christ, serving as guidance toward religious growth.
“Through Christ, members have gotten so much stronger coming once a month on Sundays to Coffee Talk and it has really bonded my friendships to a deeper level being united to Christ,” CHS senior Lauren Leonard said.
Coffee Talk continues aiming toward its goals, hoping to influence young women to develop their faith and wisdom through Christianity.
“We hope that the girls will follow the Lord and not the world,” Weber said. “It’s harder to follow the Lord, but it’s a better road than what the world has, which is a dead end.”
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