A tale of two rallies, Sanders and Trump
Nicolas Henderson, Staff Writer
• March 8, 2016

Opposite ends of the political spectrum
Emma Cummins, Editorial Page Editor
• March 1, 2016

Trump announces Christie endorsement, hammers Rubio at Fort Worth rally
Nicolas Henderson, Staff Writer
• February 29, 2016

Young adults, early voting, and their impact on the upcoming election
Nicolas Henderson, Staff Writer
• February 19, 2016
Biden, Ryan prepare for crucial Vice Presidential Debate
October 9, 2012

Texas Gov. ends presidential bid
January 19, 2012
Bachmann steps out of Presidential race
January 4, 2012
Romney, Paul, Santorum neck and neck in Iowa
January 3, 2012

What CHS students know about the Republican Primaries
December 8, 2011
GOP race lacking presidential potential
November 14, 2011
Mr. Boehner goes to Washington
November 12, 2010
Health care odds pegged at 51%
March 8, 2010
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