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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

In 2021, Texas state representative Matt Krause drafted a list of potentially controversial books that he suggested be banned from libraries across the state, some of which are available to read in the Coppell High School library. Krause created this list as an auxiliary to House Bill 3979, which banned curriculum that discusses any topics of discomfort, including critical race theory.

“We have the right to read”

Manasa Mohan, Angelina Liu, and Sri Achanta December 22, 2022

"Why are we worried a kid's going to read something and form an opinion that people are bad if he's around people who are good?" Coppell High School Principal Laura Springer’s question comes after...

Social media strikes again

Social media strikes again

Sreehitha Moravaneni, Staff Writer September 2, 2022

Book of the week: Every Day by David Levithan

Book of the week: Every Day by David Levithan

Pramika Kadari, Copy Editor April 11, 2019

Sometimes we wish we could be someone else, but in Every Day by David Levithan, the main character, A, wishes he could just be himself for once. A wakes up in a different human’s body each morning,...

The Between the Lines reading program was started three years ago in an effort to increase reading among teens as well as to help foster a love of reading in teens through books such as "Another Little Piece" by Kate Karyus Quinn. Photo by Sandy Iyer.

Teens receive opportunity to go Between the Lines at William T. Cozby Public Library

February 12, 2014

By Tuulia Koponen Staff Writer Started three years ago to bring teens in the Coppell community together, the Between the Lines reading program at the William T. Cozby Public Library has announced its...

iBooks taking over the e-reading world

November 12, 2013

By Gabby Sahm Staff Writer It seems technology is involved in everything we do these days. Books are no exception. Many technological companies are coming out with new and innovative ways of getting...

Coppell High School named to Best High Schools in America by U.S. News and World Report

May 7, 2013

By Nikki Dabney Staff Writer Coppell High School is known for its overachievers- on the field, in the classroom and on the stage. The students' hard work and the administration's leadership leadership...

Cozby Library receives award, launches new strategy plan

April 9, 2013

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor The William T. Cozby Library, Coppell's largest and longest-standing public library, received the Texas Municipal Library Association’s Achievement in Excellence Library...

Coppell Public Library hosts Free eBook Class

February 15, 2013

By: Tuulia Koponen Staff Writer   With today’s technology allowing reading to take a mixture of mediums from Nooks, to Kindles to apps on Apple and Android devices, the Coppell Public Library...

Graphic by Sophie Nauyokas

Public library hosts holiday events

December 7, 2012

By Caroline Carter Staff Writer Though the weather may not reflect the current holiday season, Coppell has already had numerous events occur since the start of December. The William T. Cozby Public...

Cozby Con encourages reading through comic books

February 15, 2011

Video by Katie Kennedy This past weekend, the William T. Cozby Public Library held its first “Cozby Con”. The convention, which is similar to a smaller version of the bigger Comic-Con, was held...

E-books rekindle interest

November 8, 2010

Paige Wilson Ast. Business Manager As technology continues to advance, all aspects of our life seem to be heading in the same direction. An advancement in reading occurred a couple years ago and while...

Prepare for AP exam, read up!

April 15, 2010

By Rebecca Fowler Staff Writer With AP tests next month, students planning to take the AP Literature exam are brushing up on their book smarts—their knowledge of novels, that is.  With a massive...

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