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  • Coppell ISD is closed for spring break. Coppell Student Media publishing resumes March 24.
  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Staff writer Anika Arutla talks about the history of voting and her excitement about voting. Political signs are lined along the road to Coppell Town Center for upcoming midterm election on Nov. 9.

I have a voice, I want to use it

Anika Arutla, Staff Writer November 6, 2018

Change. That is what I think about when I think about voting. It is common misconception that one vote, among millions, is not worth anything - that it is a simple raindrop in the middle of the vast ocean....

Political signs are lined along the road to Coppell Town Center on Sunday, Nov. 4 for the upcoming mid-term election on Nov. 6. This election will determine which candidates will be elected at the local, state, and congressional level.

Part 4: The search for the solution to CISD’s funding dilemma

Akif Abidi, Staff Writer November 3, 2018

This election season, public education funding has found a place among the most prominent topics in Texas. For the past several years, wealthy districts - such as Coppell ISD - have been trapped in...

On the Spot: Calling all eligible students to make their voice be heard (with video)

Anthony Cesario, Entertainment Editor September 27, 2018

For National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, Coppell High School Red Jackets stood behind a table in the main hallway to register people to vote.   It is a requirement by the secretary of...

Midterms cause stress within students

Midterms cause stress within students

January 8, 2018

High school students gain a lot of stress during midterms due to the pressure of high grade expectations

Academies create study environment for midterms

January 11, 2013

By Shivani Burra Staff Writer With finals week approaching the CHS academies are trying to reduce stress of students and help them study better. On Monday morning  all academy and exploratory...

Bell schedule modified for next week’s exams

January 11, 2013

By: Tuulia Koponen Staff Writer   Next week signals the end of the third six weeks and the first semester resulting in the dreaded midterms or end of first semester exams taking place Wednesday...

Exams after the break cause problems for teachers and students

January 7, 2011

Story By Henna Khan Video By Sierra Womack Up until the 2008-2009 school year, midterms were given before students took a two and a half week vacation from school, but ever since, what began as a...

Tea Party Confuses and Confounds Political Predictions

September 17, 2010

Chris Cummins Staff Writer 9/15/10                                                                       The Tea Party made its presence...

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