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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Coppell High School police officer and Corporal Diane Patterson talks about the self defense program provided by the city to teenagers and adults alike who desire to learn to protect themselves in stressful situations. Having this class gives a chance for Coppell High School students to complete the program before going off to college.

On the Spot: CPD’s self defense class aims to protect senior girls

Tanya Raghu, Enterprise Editor January 10, 2018

For the 13th year, the Coppell Police Department is sponsoring a self-defense class for senior girls at Coppell High School to learn the basics about protecting themselves.   The course takes...

CHS senior Kristen Lason performs during halftime at Allen Eagle Stadium during the Allen vs Coppell on Sept. 29. Lason is a captain of the Lariettes and hopes to continue dancing throughout college.

Senior Spotlight

Jessica Hernandez, Staff Writer December 12, 2017

Joining band, color guard, the drill team or the cheer team your freshman year of high school can be a terrifying thing.   With the 2017 Coppell High School football season ending with a 35-34...

Coppell High School senior Lariette captain Adrienne Allen opens the senior Lariette senior dance last Friday at the pep rally in the arena. Each group of fall sport seniors put on a performance at the senior pep rally. Photo by Hannah Tucker.

Putting pep in the senior step

Hannah Tucker, Photographer November 3, 2016

Q&A: Haynie, Thomas, Lewis to take musical talents to college in pursuit of future career

Q&A: Haynie, Thomas, Lewis to take musical talents to college in pursuit of future career

May 5, 2015

By Sloane Samberson Staff Writer @SloaneSamberson As they turn the page and start a new chapter in their lives, Coppell High School choir seniors Brianna Haynie, Matthew Thomas and Ali Lewis have...

Coppell High School senior award ceremony reflects four years of hard work

Coppell High School senior award ceremony reflects four years of hard work

May 20, 2014

By Sloane Samberson Staff Writer On Monday morning, Coppell High School held its senior award ceremony to recognize all the accomplishments the class of 2014 has made in the past year. Students were...

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