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  • The Coppell High School Band holds its Mid-Winter Concert on Monday and Tuesday.
  • CHS hosts a Science Fair showcase in the cafeteria at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • Coppell ISD students have the day off on Friday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Coppell High School juniors Ananya Anupindi and Julieta Aguirre-Jimenez have run AJ Crochet Shop, a local crochet business, since last summer. Anupindi and Aguirre-Jimenez hold tri-annual sales for their products at the Coppell Farmers Market.

Anupindi, Aguirre-Jimenez sewing strings together

Anushree De, Advertising and Circulations Manager February 9, 2023
Finding Coppell High School juniors Ananya Anupindi and Julieta Aguirre-Jimenez within a crowd wouldn’t be hard. The pair’s prominence is not just because of their expressive smiles on a Saturday afternoon or their identical blue-jean-black-converse outfits. 
As the time for students to pick courses for next year approaches, Coppell High School introduces new classes available for the 2023-2024 school year. The Sidekick staff photographer Rhea Chowdary goes in depth into the new classes available in order for incoming and returning students to solidify their schedule.

2023-24 course guide released, offering more options than the last

Rhea Chowdhary, Staff Photographer January 19, 2023

Every year, students coming back from winter break are struck with decisions for their next school year. Almost immediately, a new course guide is introduced, usually containing more options than the last. This...

The ownership of cell phones has changed expeditionality in the range of four years. Staff writer Rhea Chowdhary explores how this has created the implementation of updated phone policies in Coppell Middle School East.

CMS East stops the buzz with a new phone policy

Rhea Chowdhary, Staff Photographer October 31, 2022

Coppell Middle School East introduced a new phone policy for 2022-23 following Coppell High School’s phone policy, which began 2019. As the age for receiving a phone slowly decreases and the prevalence...

Coppell High School senior Jude Taylor and New Tech High @ Coppell freshman Piper Baranowski portray Orpheus and Eurydice respectively in the CHS Black Box Theatre on Sunday. CHS Theater put on its fall production “Eurydice” for the community on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Photo by Shrayes Gunna

180 degree turns of tone in “Eurydice” engaged audiences

Minori Kunte, Staff Writer October 31, 2022

As the sky turned dark many eager Coppell residents filled the seats of the Black Box Theatre. Friends, family and excited audience members were introduced to the inviting aura of the play with mystical...

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