**Spoiler Alert**
I’ve never been a big fan of sequels and it is a rare occasion when I enjoy a sequel better than the first. However, the release of Iron Man 2 has me reconsidering my expectations for second installments.
When Iron Man 2 trailers began showing late last year, fans and critics knew that the release of the movie would mean big bucks at the box office. After the movie was released in theaters on May 7, the movie brought in more money than its predecessor, Iron Man, with $133.6 million worldwide. Iron Man 2 is deserving of its profits and the two year wait for the sequel was well worth it.

The movie starts where the first left off with Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., announcing that he is Iron Man, only this time, instead of the viewer watching it unfold in a live press conference, it’s being viewed on a TV in a ruddy looking room in Moscow. The home is that of the villain in the movie, Ivan Vanko played by actor Mickey Rourke, angered by the fact that the Stark’s family ruined the life of his father who leaves behind plans to build an arc reactor for Ivan to use. This creates the main problem in the movie with Vanko and rival industrialist to Stark, Justin Hammers, played by Sam Rockwell, trying to recreate Iron Man’s suit.
One of the definite highlights in the movie is the acting of both Rourke and Rockwell. Rourke does a superb job of playing the Russian villain, even going so far as to study Russian prisons and prisoners while getting into character for the movie. Rockwell is also able to take on the persona of a villain well in his portrayal of Hammers, with his character reminding me faintly of the villain he played in Charlie’s Angels.
The villains aren’t the only ones delivering in the movie. Downey is just as good at playing the egotistical Stark in the sequel, even being able to make the character be a little more emotional than usual. Gwyneth Paltrow returns as Stark’s faithful assistant, Pepper Potts and director and actor Jon Favreau is back to play driver for Stark, Happy Hogan. Both are great in their roles and were able to hold their own against the more dominant actors in the movie.
Iron Man 2also saw some new faces added on. Scarlett Johansson joins on as Stark’s assistant, Natalie Rushman, and is later revealed as a double agent sent by Samuel L. Jackson’s character, Nick Fury, to look out for Stark. Fans may remember that in the first movie, the character James “Rhodey” Rhodes, later acquiring the name of War Machine in Iron Man 2, is played by Terrence Howard. After some potential salary problems, Howard is replaced with Don Cheadle for the role. The switch seemed to be for the best since Cheadle does a much better job of portraying the character.
With a cast that was amazing, the movie only becomes better with the remarkable special effects. Every action scene in the movie looks real but isn’t over the top. The robotic droids in the movie designed by Vanko and Hammers look pretty lifelike and the fight scene between the droids, Iron Man and War Machine was filmed nicely without too many jerky movements trying to follow all the moves of the characters.
There is never a boring part in the movie and the plot isn’t one that’s been seen time and time again. As far as sequels go, Iron Man 2 is one of the few that has exceeded expectations and turned out to be a brilliant movie… with an added brilliant scene at the end of the credits.