Palavali siblings paint aid for Doctors Without Borders

Trisha Atluri

CHS9 student Maya Palavali and CHS sophomore Rohan Palavali create holiday cards at their house on Nov. 10. The Palavali siblings founded a non-profit called Pal O Valley Cards, where all profits from the sale of their custom-made greeting cards are donated to the charity Doctors Without Borders.

Sreeja Mudumby, Staff writer

The green cacti and pink flowers shine with wet paint as the card is placed it on a table, consisting of a plethora of cards, paints and brushes. Another finished card for a customer and another donation to help impoverished people around the world. 

Coppell High School sophomore Rohan Palavali and CHS9 student Maya Palavali created the nonprofit Pal O Valley Cards in June of this year, where they design custom cards for sale and donate all of the profits to Doctors Without Borders, a charity that reaches out to countries around the world that do not have proper medical care and provides free treatment for everyone. 

“I decided to start a nonprofit because I felt like I should do something with all of the free time [my sister] and I had to help the world and make it a better place,” Rohan said. 

Rohan and Maya contemplated over many charities before choosing Doctors Without Borders. They chose this charity because they think this is where their profits will have the most value. 

“We researched a bunch of charities, and we found that Doctors Without Borders is really the charity where the money gets the most impact,” Rohan said. 

Rohan and Maya are both passionate about art and are involved in it at school, which is why they decided to incorporate it into their nonprofit. Each card is sold for $4, and 100% of the profits are donated to Doctors without borders. Rohan is also planning on going into the medical field and Maya into the business field, so both of their passions were combined into this non-profit. 

“We felt this was the best way to use our artistic abilities to make money to donate to charity,” Rohan said.  

Pal O Valley Cards is advertised through Instagram and its website. On these two platforms, people can view the different styles of cards and contact Rohan and Maya if they are interested in purchasing a card. 

“It’s cool they’re using their talents to do something they enjoy and would help the community,” CHS sophomore Vallika Chitkara said. 

Rohan and Maya got their inspiration for the nonprofit from their parents and the general public. 

“[Rohan and I] both like making cards, and we saw how our parents sometimes bought cards for people and we thought, ‘We could probably make something like this and make it really nice,’” Maya said.  

Not only is their nonprofit donating money to a charity, it is also encouraging others around them to do good in their community. 

“I’ve always been hesitant about showing something I could do, and they inspire me to do something other people would like that I can produce,” Chitkara said.

Rohan and Maya have gained a lot through the creation of Pal O Valley Cards, and they are inspiring the community around them to follow their footsteps. 

“Just donating a dollar or so can make a lot of a difference,” Maya said. “Our ultimate goal was to help people in a way that we know how and to just have fun making cards.”  


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