Neighbors gather to celebrate National Night Out with law enforcement

Kelly Wei

Coppell Night Out provides an opportunity for Coppell residents to mingle with their neighbors and meet local law enforcement. Coppell Night Out is the local celebration of National Night Out which is an annual October event.

Nicolas Reyes, Staff Writer

On Tuesday night, Copperstone Trail, as well neighborhoods across Coppell and the nation, celebrated National Night Out. Elementary school kids could be seen frolicking around the cul de sac. Children zipped around on scooters, adults enganged in conversation and footballs were tossed across the lawns. Pizza, hot dogs and a variety of desserts complemented the event.


National Night Out is a nationwide event designed to strengthen neighborhood spirit and to strengthen the police-community bonds.  


“I wanted to take part in the what the nation is doing today, getting people together and getting everyone neighboring,” said Doug Nichols, Copperstone Trail neighborhood party organizer. “It’s a day for being friendly with your neighbors and getting to know them better.”


Many of the children did not previously know each other and eagerly attended the event in hope of making new friends that lived nearby.


“I’ve only been here a year so I was excited to get to know my neighbors better,” Great Lakes Academy seventh grader Landon Tampsumi said. “Of course, I also came to enjoy the free food.”


The Coppell police department briefly attended the event and handed out stickers and small trinkets to the enjoyment of the younger neighborhood residents. The officers explained that everyone may make their community safer by being alert and informed.