Kadari crosses the country
Sidekick staffer moves from Chicago to Dallas
Sidekick staffers pose for a picture at the annual Sidekick awards banquet. The Sidekick has been a big part of staff writer Pramika Kadari’s life since she moved to Dallas at the beginning of the school year.
May 22, 2018
After 15 years of living in one state, one town, one house, moving from Illinois to Texas in the middle of my high school career was not something I was happy about.
The decision had been somewhat sudden – announced near the beginning of the summer that we would most likely be moving at the end of it – and for the longest time, the idea that I would actually be spending sophomore year across the country did not feel real to me. When acquaintances asked me if I was really moving, my reply was somewhere along the lines of I do not know, maybe or probably not.
Until the moment I literally climbed into my car with my family to start driving to Texas, I did not believe it would actually happen. Even then, half way through the road trip, I remember feeling I would somehow be back in Chicago in time for school. That something would go wrong, making it impossible for us to stay in Texas. For me, the prospect of moving felt like the end of the world.
But no miracle came, and when the first day of school rolled around, I was still stuck in Coppell.
The first quarter was rough and lonely. I did not put forth much effort to make friends. To many, I come off as a loud person, but I do not think of myself as an extrovert. I am only loud around those I am comfortable with; in several of my classes, I keep to myself with earbuds in. Not exactly the best way to meet people.
Because I had no one to spend time socializing with, I began learning new things about myself – especially exactly how much I love writing creatively. I have enjoyed the craft since I was young, but I have never relied on it as I did for the first several months of this year. My characters became my best friends. Everyday, I would be excited to write another page or two. For a while, it was the only thing I was excited about.
But after a couple months, I began drastically increasing the effort I put into writing for The Sidekick – requesting more stories, accepting more assignments. Once I had dedicated myself to The Sidekick, I had something I enjoy to work toward every day, something that deeply enriches my life. Things did not feel that dreary anymore. As I became more involved, I also began speaking to more people in the program, which helped bring me out of my lonely shell.
Even though I only started talking to most of my Sidekick friends this semester, it feels like I have known them for years. Everyday, I look forward to coming into the Sidekick room and seeing them. The program has also given me amazing opportunities, such as interviewing the Coppell mayor and covering Coppell High School theater shows.
A year ago, I was convinced moving would add nothing to my life, that it would do nothing but ruin it. Although I am still not sure whether I am happier here than back in Chicago, when I look around The Sidekick room, I know my assumption that the move would not add anything good to my life was completely wrong.

Sidekick staffers pose for a picture at Executive Design Editor Wren Lee’s graduation party. The Sidekick has been a big part of staff writer Pramika Kadari’s life since she moved to Dallas at the beginning of the school year.