Coming to a close: Things to do before walking the stage


Kaylee Aguilar

With a week of school left for some, seniors will be done with high school before they know it. Editorial page editor Fiona Koshy gives you some ideas as to how to spend your last days as a Coppell Cowboy.

Fiona Koshy, Editorial Page Editor

With only a few weeks left of school, seniors like myself are coming to the realization that their high school career is ending. While many of us are excited to leave, the end of senior year is bittersweet nonetheless.


For seniors looking to take advantage of these last few days at Coppell High School, here is a list of things to complete before bidding adieu.


Make a dramatic statement on the senior bridge. I mean, what else is it for? Need to blow off some steam, jump with joy or just wave to your friend from across the school instead of catching up to them? The senior bridge is your best bet. I suggest you take advantage of it. Bonus points if you take some cute pictures on it.


Thank your teachers. If you have not already, make sure to say goodbye to teachers you had in past years. They made an impact on your life for the better, so you should let them know. If you want to keep in touch, get their contact information. A card and some flowers does not hurt either.


Eat lunch outside. We are lucky to have such a beautiful area in the front of the school to sit. With the weather warming up and the trees providing ample shade, grab your lunch and meet up with friends outside to enjoy the scenery while it is still available to you.


Go to a community event. Support people, organizations and businesses in your community. From going to the Coppell Farmers Market on Saturday morning to stopping by the Summer Splash Bash at Andy Brown Park East with some friends, there are so many ways you can engage with your community before you head off to college. Who knows, you may even have some fun along the way.


Impart your wisdom on younger students. If you know any underclassmen, give them your best advice. What are the best classes to take? Clubs to sign up for? Afterall, you have made it through four years and are bound to have learned something along the way.


Make a playlist dedicated to all of your favorite music from high school. Include songs that are tied to your favorite high school memories. You will appreciate it when you are in college and want to remember those good old days. Start with freshman year and work your way to present day, including tunes to span all four years.


Document a day in your life. It may be hard to believe now, but high school is soon going to be a distant memory. Many things like your friends, walk to class and lunch table seem crystal clear now, but down the road they are memories you are going to want to remember. Spend a day taking photos or video clips of your commute to school with your sibling, funny lunch chats or an entertaining activity in class so that one day, you have it to look back on.


Follow Fiona @fionakoshy10