YouTube monetization changes: New policy places a strict grip on creators

Kelly Wei

Recent controversies surrounding YouTube and its creators reached big news sites and blogs, such as Logan Paul’s Suicide Forest video. On Jan. 16, YouTube announced changes to its Partnership Program.

Andrés Bear, Staff Writer

The system currently in place to make money off of YouTube videos is about to change. Advertisers and controversy sparked a flame that will forever change the sites monetization policy.


YouTube is nothing without its user created videos. They pay creators through its “Partnership Program” in order to incentivize them to upload more and more videos.


Years ago, before one could make money off of advertisements or views, their channel had to be reviewed first. This was changed to the former Partnership Program which was known as the “hit 10K views and make money” system that brought massive attention to the site.


However on Jan. 16, YouTube announced changes to its Partnership Program.


Those changes place checkpoints for YouTube Creators who plan on monetizing videos on the site. The site plants to implement them this spring.


Recent controversies surrounding YouTube and its creators reached big news sites and blogs. Those being Apocalypse, the advertisement controversy and Logan Paul’s Suicide Forest video in which he stumbled upon a lifeless body.


Both issues will both be solved, In YouTube’s eyes, due to the new changes in the policy. Adpocalypse, the nickname given to the situation, began due to advertisers that were scared to promote ads on controversial videos. One channel that struggled through Adpocalypse was H3H3.


H3H3, A comedic channel by Ethan and Hila Klein was hit hard by the Adpocalypse. Most of their videos were demonetized in favor of low-budget, low-quality videos commonly found on the site. Their content was largely focused around the reaction genre.


“Tragedy and conflict. Sensitive social issues. Sexually suggestive content. Sensational and shocking. Profanity & rough language,” Ethan Klein said. “These are the options for advertisers that is resulting in most of us (creators) not having ads on videos.”


The changes in the policy should push advertisers to focus on growing videos more. Even if they are deemed controversial by YouTube. With all of that in mind, What does this mean for your average high schooler?


Coppell High School sophomore George Xie spends hours scouring the website every week. He is a witness to the many controversies that have plagued the site for the past few years.


“This YouTube Policy change might have negative effects for the audience,” Xie said. “Most people do not enjoy watching ads in front of their favorite YouTube videos “Nonetheless in front of most of the videos they watch. Since the policy will possibly increase the number of ads in front of videos, this will bring more complaints and negative consequences to YouTube.”


Adpocalypse is was one of the leading causes for the policy change along with the infamous Paul video. Paul released a vlog in which he stumbled upon a dead body while roaming through Japan’s Aokigahara (Suicide Forest). The body was lifeless and hanging from a tree. Logan chose to badly blur the poor man throughout the length of the video.


That video remained on YouTube for a day. Thousands of views were amassed before it was taken down. Thousands of kids were exposed to a dead body while browsing their favorite website.


Paul’s actions sparked a flame that led to the policy being changed. What do the creators think about the situation. The policy change will affect them the most.


Richard “Rich” Masucci, Jr. from ReviewTechUSA is a notable voice in the YouTube community. He has made various videos spanning years detailing the many the controversies YT has had throughout the years. This recent policy change led him to praising YouTube actions, for once.


“These changes to the YouTube Partnership Program are the right thing to do,” Rich said “If you don’t understand that and don’t see that then too bad ‘If this is going to make you quit making videos, you were gonna quit anyway. You don’t really give a crap, You are not passionate about making content. You were just hoping that this was going to be a get-rich-quick scheme, and news flash… It’s not!”


Idiotech is another YouTube creator with a voice on the matter. He does not run ads on his videos. In other words, he doesn’t make a cent off his uploads. The way he makes his money is through Patreon, a service in which loyal fans can pledge money to whoever they please.


“I understand that for some out there it is discouraging to have their channel demonetized because they do not meet this new standard,” said Idiotech via Twitter direct message. “However, if YouTube and content creation is something you are serious about and you are releasing content regularly, I see no reason why you would struggle to hit these numbers,”


Follow Andrés Bear @_andresbear