Students over 18 can fulfill voting civic duty on March 6 for first time
For many Coppell High School students over the age of 18, the midterm elections on Nov. 6 will be the first time they will be eligible to vote. AP US History teacher Diane de Waal and Coppell High School Kennedy Carver plan to vote in November’s election that will determine the House of Representatives, one third of the Senate, 36 governorships and many state legislature seats.
January 25, 2018
While the midterm elections will take place on Nov. 6 and will impact the remainder of President Donald Trump’s term in the White House and the future of America’s political sphere, the Texas Senate elections on March 6 will directly affect Texans.
For many Coppell High School students over the age of 18, it will be the first time that they can fulfil their civic duty as an United States citizen.
“We should use our voice and if we have the ability to, we should take advantage of it, especially with the current administration,” senior Kennedy Carver said.
The statewide election on March 6 will decide a total of 15 seats out of the 31 seats in the chamber. The last Texas State Senate elections were held in 2016.
For the midterms, news outlets predict women and independents will give Democrats an early advantage in the polls, especially with the recent Women’s Marches nationwide.
It is important to note that historically, less than half the population of citizens, vote in the midterm elections.
According to NBC News, in every midterm election since the Civil War, the president’s party, this year, Republican, has lost on average, 32 seats in the House of Representatives and two in the Senate.
“History says we’re going to lose the majority,” said Cory Bliss, the executive director of the Congressional Leadership Fund, a major Republican super PAC according to NBC News. “Our job is defy history.”
The election will determine the entire House of Representatives, one third of the Senate, 36 governorships and many state legislature seats.
Importantly, it could affect the Republican Party’s agenda in Congress, allow the Trump administration investigation to halt or continue, affect the process Trump’s nominees to be confirmed, and the progress of many liberal laws around the nation, according to Vox.
“[Voting] is how the people’s voice is heard in government,” AP U.S. History teacher Diane de Waal said. “Voting is the ultimate responsibility.”
Visit the New York Times’ article for the voting calendar and real time results of the midterm election and Ballotpedia for the Texas State Senate elections.