Campus gathers in excited support to present CISD Secondary Teacher of the Year Anderson with Volkswagen Beetle
This morning, students, teachers, administrators, the drum line and a group of Lariettes gathered in front of Coppell High School to present CHS 2016-17 Teacher of the Year and Coppell ISD 2017 Secondary Teacher of the Year, AP Environmental Science Teacher, Holly Anderson with a surprise 2017 Volkswagen Beetle, which she will keep for one year.
“It was awesome,” Anderson said. “I knew it was going to come at some point, but it was exciting to see everyone out there and to see the actual thing and sit in it. [My favorite part] was seeing everyone and my family, at the end. I couldn’t see them until the Lariettes moved.”
Anderson’s family can attest to the passion she has for both her students and the subject she teaches.
“It is fantastic because she is very deserving,” Anderson’s husband, Jason Anderson, said. “Everyday she starts her morning talking about her kids, comes home talking about the kids. She loves sustainability and environment science. She’s always talking about to anyone who can.”
Students and teachers cheered as they chanted her name, held up hand-made posters and congratulated her as she made her way to the car. Anderson’s husband situated her into the vehicle and then she took of for a victory lap.
“I always get very excited to see deserving people get awesome things happen to them,” CHS vice principal Melissa Arnold said. “It was really exciting to be able to watch that and I got a little choked up.”
Junior Blake Anderson was especially excited to share this moment with his mom.
“It felt good [to be here] because I know she has put in a lot work and she’s definitely put in the hours,” Blake said. “Knowing that she is getting rewarded is definitely a good feeling.”
Anderson’s personal connection to her students is an unique quality that immediately stands out.
“I think she just really loves all her students and she really cares about each and every one of them,” Blake said.
Mr. Anderson said his wife is generally a humble person and predicted that she would initially be slightly embarrassed at the well deserved attention.
“I believe she is very overwhelmed and humbled,” Arnold said. “I don’t there are feelings to describe how she is feeling.”
Follow Akila: @akilam29

Akila Muthukumar is a sophomore who loves writing, dancing and learning new things. You can contact her at

Meara is a senior at Coppell High School and the Editor-in-Chief of The Sidekick newspaper. She is proud to be a part of a great team of really talented...