Silence can be louder than words: the benefits of being introverted

Introverts tend to be cautious and prepare more in comparison to extroverts. Writing is one of many ways that introverts can express themselves. Graphic by Wren Lee

Tara Ansari, Staff Writer

The tendency of being gregarious, outgoing and enthusiastic is a value that is often associated with getting ahead or being a leader. It seems as if extroverts have easier lives than those of us who place more value on peace and quiet.


But is that really true?


Traditionally, a contrast is made between the assertive, self-expressive and generally dominant personality, and the more secretive, yielding personality.


The loudest may get the most attention but not always the most respect.


Introverts rely on preparing for nearly everything in advance. Neurological studies found that information actually takes a longer path through the brain of an introvert than it does through the brain of an extrovert.


Introverts usually have difficulty expressing themselves to others, even if it is their peers, which makes them keep to themselves more often.


Writing is a form of self expression for everyone, but introverts more specifically since they focus on depth versus breadth. They write their ideas and are sure that they are clarifying their ideas for themselves, not for others.


Natural born listeners, introverts are known to carefully take in details, digest it and make cautious opinions based on the information given to them.


This benefit about introverted people also makes them good friends. Although they tend to stick to a small friend circle, they do value having a close relationship with the few friends they have, and open up to their small group only.


Introverts voice their opinions with quality, not quantity. While others are busy chatting, introverts observe the people around them.


While it may seem as if introverts are always zoned out, they are actually analyzing the things being said around them.


“I love how I am not dependent on constantly needing company,” Coppell High School junior Italia Bradley said. “Being alone allows me to not constantly mimic or mirror the actions and thoughts of those around me, in other words, being introverted allows me to perceive and obtain my own unaltered opinions.”


In school, introverts can be quiet in a bustling group setting, they may not be as visible to their teachers and classmates. However, they bring much to the table. In fact, the introvert’s perspective has the potential to bring quiet leadership and methodical perspectives to the classroom dynamic.


I propose a change in thoughts about introversion, the bias towards extroversion for success in school and admission in college is growing rapidly. There is a society belief that outspoken individuals make more successful leaders.


I believe that students should be given the freedom to choose how they want to complete their work and class discussions should not be monopolized by the first student to shout out a comment. Instead, coursework should also involve small group discussions and class blogs to make it easier for unalike students.


In her popular TED Talk, Susan Cain states that there is no flaw in being introverted. Many famous people in our world were or are introverted, using their specific characteristics to succeed in what they do.


Bill Gates, Eleanor Roosevelt and Albert Einstein are all examples of many successful introverts.


Like many introverts, Einstein did his best thinking alone: “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”


I would suggest not to tune out an introvert. There just might be a quiet leader brewing inside.