Life Safety Park opens with activities and entertainment for all ages

The Coppell Life Safety Park held its Grand Opening on Saturday morning in Old Town Coppell. It will provide education to students, families and the general public about safety procedures. Photos by Tara Ansari

Tara Ansari, Staff Writer

On Saturday morning, the ribbon was cut officially opening the Coppell Life Safety Park to all residents.


Many families came to enjoy the Grand Opening in the cold weather, where hot chocolate was served for a toasty celebration.


A prayer started off the morning to commemorate the vision of the park that has finally come to life, followed by a performance of “America the Beautiful”.


The Coppell Fire and Police Departments appeared in uniform and answered many excited residents’ questions. An opening speech was given by Coppell Chief of Police Mac Tristan.


“It is such an honor to present such a historic event,” Tristan said. “We can certainly see all our children learning here, this is our vision.”


Key crowd members were asked to raise their hands to be honored for contributions they made to make the park possible.


“I am thrilled to welcome everyone to this great asset that will affect lives going forward,” Coppell Mayor Karen Hunt said. “This is all made for the benefit of the community, lots of children will be coming through and not only through schools but boy scouts and adults will be able to use the facility as well.”


The Life Safety Park includes a modern space for corporations to have meetings and classes.


“It all started off on a napkin,” Fire Chief Kevin Richardson said. “Believe it or not, the whole city department got involved with the idea and here we are now.”


Engine 41, which used to be an old community fire truck has been officially retired and donated by the Coppell Fire Department, who chose to give it a resting place at the park.


Coppell Fire Department spoke in regards to the need of the park saying that 911 calls means someone has lost something, and they plan on preventing those calls in order to make a change for the city.


Ice cream trucks, beverages and snacks were served for residents and their children to enjoy as they took their time touring the new facility and meeting the troops that have been put in charge.