Q&A: Nascimiento on her move from Brazil to Coppell
October 26, 2016

Coppell High School sophomore Laura German Do Nascimiento moved from São Paulo, Brazil to Coppell, Texas on Sept. 5th, 2016. Nascimiento has expressed a love for the United States and feels that it has impacted her in a positive way.
New faces, new experiences and a new country. This is what Laura German Do Nascimiento had to face upon arrival at the United States. Laura is a new sophomore who moved from São Paulo, Brazil to Coppell on Sept. 5. She hasn’t been here for that long but she already thinks highly of the United States.
What was it like moving from Brazil to the United States?
It was pretty hard, it is very different of a country from Brazil to the United States. But, everyone gets used to it, so it just takes time.
What do you mean it takes time?
It means after a while, you will get used to living in a new country. At the beginning it’s rough and hard, but after a while, you’ll get used to it and it will feel like home.
What are some differences between the United States and Brazil?
In Brazil, people are more warm and affective, and here, they’re not as warm as in Brazil. They speak Portuguese, so that’s a difference. The weather in Brazil is nicer. It’s more warm in the winter and it’s colder in the summer, so it’s always a nice weather. And the schools are different; in Brazil, people usually go to private schools, here they go to public schools, which is bigger.
How did moving affect your life?
It changed my life, in a positive way and a bad way, because I had to leave all of my friends behind and I had to start over again in a new country where I don’t know anyone. But you’re gaining experiences in a way so it’s very nice.
What do you think about the United States so far?
I like the United States. I’ve been here before, but for traveling. Now that I’m living here, I’m enjoying it, I like the experience of being an American, and I like it a lot.
How do you think the United States will change you?
This country has a lot of opportunities, way more than in Brazil, so I will get more opportunities for college and as an adult, in the future. It’s going to give me more life experiences, I’m learning a new language, and I’m making new friends.
Is it difficult trying to get used to life here?
It is hard, at the beginning, until you get new friends, until you meet new people that you can trust. That’s the moment when you start feeling like you belong. In the beginning, it’s very hard, but as time goes by, it becomes easier.
Moving is hard for everyone, but at the end, you’re always gaining experiences and everything’s for the best. Everything happens for a reason.
Follow Sofía on Twitter at @sofia_i_g