Alice Through the Looking Glass brings adventure, beautiful imagery to the screen

Gracie Blackwell, Staff Writer

DALLAS – “You can’t change the past,” Alice Kingsleigh, played by Mia Wasikowska, said.


The sequel to Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass, comes to movie theatres starting tomorrow. Since the first movie, Alice in Wonderland brought huge success, leading producers to bring a sequel, Alice Through the Looking Glass, to life.


The sequel brings in a mix of some of the old aspects of Alice in Wonderland with brand-new aspects for Alice Through the Looking Glass. If you know anything about Alice in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter, cheshire cat, and Red Queen all come to mind.


Although Tim Burton did not direct this movie, James Bobin, a director most commonly known for The Muppets, took the reins. The old cast comes back for this sequel, which includes Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen and Mia Wasikowska as Alice.


The voice of Absolem, the now blue butterfly (and once plump caterpillar) is voiced by Alan Rickman, the actor who passed away earlier this year. This movie marks the last film that he was in.


It starts off with Alice as the captain of a boat at sea and then shows her reuniting with her mother again and going to a formal party in a nice castle. Absolem, the blue butterfly, is shown following her around from the beginning.


Absolem then catches Alice’s attention and Alice follows him into a room. Alice then discovers a glass mirror that is glowing and Absolem then disappears into it. She then goes inside discovering a whole new room, just like the famous scene in Alice in Wonderland.


The movie then takes off and she is shown meeting up again with some familiar faces: Mirana, twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the cheshire cat and more. They go on to tell her that the Mad Hatter is upset because earlier he saw a mini hat on the ground that reminded him of his family – who is dead.

The two-hour long movie is all about the adventure that Alice goes on. A new character, Time (portrayed by Sacha Baron Cohen), who is literally time itself and controls it, appears as well.


Time is the one who has the chronosphere, which is the key to going back in time and saving the Hatter’s family. Of course it is not an Alice movie without the Red Queen, Iracebeth, who plots against Alice’s plans.


Although the plot is simple and predictable, the moral of the movie evens out the ordinary plot of the movie. It instills the message that the past cannot be changed no matter how much you try to change it.


At times the movie felt too fast-paced but the visuals of each setting were exquisite and make up for the swiftness of each scene. Each scene had beautiful graphics and imagery that drew you into every detail of each shot.


I recommend seeing this movie in IMAX or 3-D because the visuals and mix of animation in the movie pop right out and enhance the entire experience.


Overall, Alice Through the Looking Glass is a family-friendly, adventure-filled movie that brings in elements of comedy and fantasy, making it a movie for everyone to see.