By Loren Hughes
Staff Writer
This Wednesday through Friday, Feb. 3-5, there will be a bake sale held after school in order to raise money for St. Jude’s Hospital.
Last week’s bake sale, held by the Red Cross Club, was in order to raise money for the earthquake victims of Haiti, whereas this bake sale is a part of CHS’ St. Jude’s sponsored ‘Rally Week Against Childhood Cancer.’ Similar to the Red Cross Club bake sale, there will be numerous brownies and cookies, except they will be sold for as little as 50 cents each.
So, even if you bought goods from last week’s bake sale, be sure to stop by the horseshoe or the commons this week to raise money for another worthy cause!
To learn more about St. Jude’s efforts to rally against childhood cancer and how to make an online donation, click here.