By Farah Merchant
Staff Writer
The job of a journalist is to share the news with the world. Through this people are aware of what is happening in either their town, city, state, or even nation.
But how are people supposed to be more aware of their society or the societies around them when people censor certain stories?
Censorship is a big problem in journalism as it not only prevents people from knowing what is happening in the world, but is also a way of allowing people to buy their way out of the truth. Many nations and countries will prevent stories from being released to make sure nothing embarrassing is released, and though the U.S. government does not directly commandeer the stories released, some corporations will censor stories.
The story, US Military Manipulates the Social Media is one example of censorship in journalism. The story focused on the “U.S. military developing software that will allow it to secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence Internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.” This story talks about the illegal situation, since it restricts free speech on the Internet, the U.S. Army is placing upon itself and on top of the situation, was censored before it could reach the media. This story restricts people from thinking for themselves.
So many times people will just believe what they hear on the Internet, so with the constant “trustworthy” sources you see online, people will not be able to separate the false information from reality. With the U.S. Military anonymously creating these profiles and putting a leash on what people will say or do on social media, it also is restricting our freedom of speech.
Censorship is a serious issue; people believe the news, they believe the news is honest and fair, and while it may be at times, some of the truth is covered up. With this people will lose trust in broadcast offering them the information they have relied on which can harm them, and the broadcast as well.
Censorship is simple: if something is posted which disparages a person, corporation, society or nation, or is considered derogatory, then it can be erased. Though people believe this is wrong, it is against the law to post something that will bring down someone’s reputation unless it is the complete truth.
This essentially prevents numerous articles from coming out, but this is not the point I would like to address. I understand someone’s reputation stands in the way, but when speaking the truth, stories should not be censored. Though the act of censoring inappropriate or false information is recommended and believed, censoring information which relies the truth and can help people create an informed decision, is wrong.