By Gabby Sahm
staff writer

For a service learning project, Coppell High School freshmen Business and Industry students are exploring ways to give back and raise awareness for the cause of their choice.
Some of the groups are collecting canned goods, toys and cash donations for various organizations, such as the North Texas Food Bank, Toys for Tots and American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (ASPCA).
According the the NTFB website, kindergarteners who experience even minimal food insecurity at home learn less than their fellow students do. According to the ASPCA, just 60 cents a day saves lives. According to the Toys for Tots website, they have to purchase toys for 7 million children and desperately need help supplying toys for them all.
If you want to help donate and stop the fight against hunger, animal cruelty and gives toys to kids who need them, you can drop off cans, money or toys in Chase Wofford room, D115. They are also accepting cans in Student Services North on campus.