By Kara Hallam
Staff Writer
With over 25 exams being administered in the next two weeks, it can be hard to keep track of Advanced Placement (AP) testing and End-of-Course (EOC) exams. Below, is what students need to know for test day from schedules to rules and even a few tips and study guides.
For all AP tests in the morning, students are instructed to arrive at 7:30 a.m. Testing will begin at 8:20 a.m. Administrators have stressed the importance of arriving early, as students who arrive after instructions have begun will not be allowed to enter the testing room.

For all afternoon AP tests, students should inform their fourth period teachers who do not have A lunch that they have an afternoon AP test so they can take A lunch and arrive at their testing room immediately afterwards.
All AP testing room numbers can be found in a binder in student services, or a student can ask their teacher which room they are in. Posters listing testing locations have also been dispersed throughout the high school. EOC testing rooms will be posted on the student services windows. May 8 testing room numbers are scheduled to be posted in the main hallways.
IB exams also take place these two weeks as well. If IB exams conflict with a students AP exams they can reschedule them by emailing assistant principal Sean Bagley or contacting counseling secretary Donna Poe. Make-up exams will take place the week of May 19. Fees do apply to taking make-up exams.
EOC does allow for students to read a book once they are finished testing, and they must have their cell phones turned off and put away in their backpacks in the testing area. However, the AP tests do not allow cell phones in the testing area and no reading materials are allowed after a student finishes their test. AP testers need both pencils and pens as well.
Snacks and water bottles are allowed during breaks.
Here are the schedules below. Some tests are hyperlinked to test reviews.
Monday, May 5
In the morning are AP Chemistry in the choir room and AP environmental science in H134. AP Psychology is in the afternoon in the large gym.
For some students, they have to take Biology EOC that day.
Tuesday, May 6
AP Computer Science (H134) and AP Spanish Language and Culture (large gym) are in the morning. In the afternoon is AP Art History (small gym)
Some students will take the Biology EOC this day.
Wednesday, May 7
AP Calculus AB and BC (large gym) are in the morning.
This is the last day of Biology EOC testing.
Thursday, May 8
This day is different than the other testing days. For students who are not testing they get late arrival.
The Algebra I EOC and United States History EOC are on this day. The morning AP test is AP English Literature and Composition (large gym).
In the afternoon is AP Japanese (D108).
Students who do not have morning testing will arrive at 11:50 a.m. for A lunch and then go to fourth period at 12:30 p.m. EOC testers will be released at 12:30 p.m. for lunch and AP testers will be released at 11:50 a.m. for lunch.
Schedule for May 8
EOC Test: 8:20 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Late Entry Lunch: 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Period four: 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Period five: 1:20 p.m. to 2:05 p.m.
Period six: 2:10 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.
Period seven: 3:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Friday, May 9
Morning tests are AP English Language and Composition (large gym) and in the afternoon is AP Statistics (large gym).
May 9 is the last day for AP Studio Art students to submit their portfolios.
Monday, May 12
In the morning is AP Biology (small gym) and AP Music Theory (choir room). In the afternoon is AP Physics B (small gym) and C (H134).
Tuesday, May 13
Morning tests are AP U.S. Government (large gym) and Politics and in the afternoon is and AP Human Geography (large gym).
Wednesday, May 14
In the morning is AP U.S. History (large gym) and in the afternoon is AP European History (H134).
Thursday, May 15
AP Macroeconomics (H hall classes) and AP World History (large gym) are in the morning. AP Microeconmoics (choir room) is in the afternoon.
Friday, May 16
In the morning is AP Spanish Literature and Culture (D108).
For more tests dates check collegeboard here.