The White House is undoubtedly a place where you will never see a dull moment.
The U.S. Secret Service is investigating how an uninvited couple was admitted to a White House state dinner for visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The Washington Post says the couple from the northern part of the U.S. state of Virginia slipped through several layers of White House security despite not being on the guest list for Tuesday’s dinner.
Although they were not a threat to the event, the two were clearly not on the guest list which was the reason that officials grew concerned. Michaele and Tareq Salahi posted pictures on Facebook posing with various political figures.
What makes their intrusion extremely hilarious is that there were no consequences in the end, and in fact the Salahi’s became reality T.V. stars as a result.
The couple claims that crashing such a prestigious moment could only be done by someone with little knowledge regarding the correct etiquette. Whether or not they actually crashed the party is still being debated, but their fame as reality T.V. stars will only increase from this moment onwards.
For more information about the incident, and the investigation following click here.