By Mabry Culp
Staff Writer
The biggest question on upcoming juniors and seniors mind is college. How to get in, apply, leave the nest, etc. AP classes are important to college applications and college credit, and now the Academies are implementing them into their normally Pre-AP curriculum.
These small learning communities focus their objectives on preparing students for real world careers in their chosen fields, like engineering, public service, and media. These classes include regular content as the rest of the school but they look at it through the lenses of their chosen academy, and the electives are centered around their profession.
Next year they have decided to include AP classes to allow kids more flexibility in their schedules and it was a very wanted change from the students. All academies were asked to take a survey regarding what classes they would be interested in taking next year, and most were requesting Advanced Placement.
Available to upcoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors, the AP classes are sure to be a huge hit in the academies.
For more information on the Academies and the courses offered, click here.