By Michelle Pitcher
Next Thursday, Sept. 13, over 200 representatives from as many colleges will be at CHS, ready and willing to answer your most plaguing questions. From 6 pm to 8 pm in the commons, the annual CHS/NTH@C College Night will be in full swing.
For those of you who have no clue as to where you want to spend those fateful four years, this college fair provides a unique opportunity for you to scope out colleges that seem interesting (like the one with the castle in England that I discovered at last year’s fair) or that you may not have ever heard of before.
The fair is come and go; if you want to run in, give your name and number to UT, then head back to the car while the engine is still warm, you can do that. Or if you would rather visit every booth and accumulate 50 lbs of handouts and fliers, you can do that, too. Just be sure to make the most out of the resources you’re being given.
If you would like more information about the fair or college applications in general, visit your counselor in Student Services.